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Demi's POV

        Once I got home, I immediately started reading all of Kenzie's information they had gathered. They were able find her birth certificate, and I was amazed that she was five. She only looked about three, she was so small. I read that her mom had died in a car accident, and it said that her dad reported that Kenzie died with her when she was only a year old. I was confused on why he did that. Did he know what e would turn to? It wasn't a lot of information because Kenzie hadn't said anything. I decided that she was going to need clothes, but I didn't want to take her shopping with me because a big crowd would scare her. I didn't want to go out, I had just gotten back home, but she needed something to wear. I made a quick trip to the nearest clothing store. I only bought a few outfits. I didn't get a good enough look at her to see what size she would wear, so I estimated. Once I know her size, I'll order her more stuff online. I quickly got back home and cleaned out the guest bedroom, which would be hers. I took out everything that was unnecessary, leaving it almost bare. I would get decorations for her room after I get a feel of what she likes. She should be able to pick her own things out. After finishing with that, I took a quick shower and went to bed. I didn't go to sleep very easily, but exhaustion eventually took over.


        I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. It took me a while to figure out why it was set so early, Once I remembered, I quickly got out of bed and started getting ready. I was eager to bring home the little child who desperately needed help. I knew it would be difficult, but I was confident that Kenzie would know my love for her. I wanted to start building our relationship as soon as possible. I quickly drove to the hospital to pick up Kenzie and bring her home.

Kenzie's POV

The doctor came in and told me I was leaving today. Someone earlier had brought in food, but I didn't touch it. "Were you not hungry this morning?" Dr. Smith asked, and I shook my head. I was actually very hungry, but I had only eaten once since coming here. My dad never gave me that much so soon, and I didn't want to do anything I wasn't supposed to. "I guess that's fine," he continued, "You're going home with Ms. Lovato, the young lady that came in yesterday. You can eat with her." I didn't remember a Ms. Lovato. A lot of people I didn't know have come in. Then the realization hit me. I was going somewhere else. No one here has hurt me, although I haven't been here very long. I'm going to live with someone else. That thought scared me. What if they were like my dad? "They're going to be here soon, so how about you change into your clothes?" He said as he set the clothes that I came in down on the bed. He left, and I took off the gown I was in and put on my normal clothes. Soon enough, a nurse came in, followed by another woman. It was Demi. She's who the doctor was talking about.

        "Ready to go?" Demi asked while smiling. She seemed nice, but I don't even know her. I know her name, and she knows mine. I'm pretty sure that's it. I nodded my head to answer her question, and she stuck her hand out. I stepped back from it, not wanting her to touch me. She gave me a smile smile and took her hand away. "Let's go," she said as she turned around. I followed her, keeping a safe distance between us and occasionally looking over my shoulder. I followed her out to her car. It looked different from the one I rode in a few days ago. I climbed in and sat were she told me to. She leaned over me, and I scooted away. "It's okay, I just need to buckle your seat belt," she said. I scooted back to where I was before and let her drape a long, grey belt over me. I thought she was trying to strap me down, but I could still move around freely. She closed my door, and got into the driver's seat. The car started moving, and I brought my knees up to my chest. "The doctor said you didn't eat this morning, are you hungry?" Demi asked, and I shook my head. After figuring out that I wouldn't talk, she turned on the radio. My dad would sometimes turn on the radio we had in our house, but it was boring. Demi's radio, though, was full of exciting music. She hummed along to it. I really liked it. I had never heard something that I liked that much.

        After a while, Demi turned into the driveway of a big house. It was a lot bigger than my dad's. "We're home!" She cheered and got out of the car. She opened my door and unbuckled my seat belt. I slowly followed behind her into the big house, and I was getting very nervous. Will it be like my dad's?

Hopefully I can update again later today. Hope you like it!

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