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Demi's POV

Once we got inside, I watched as Kenzie looked around with wide eyes. I guess she was amazed at the size of the house. At least now, I won't have to be all alone in it. I noticed that she was in desperate need of a bath. I guess she wouldn't let anyone give her one. "Hey, how about we get you cleaned up?" I asked. She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. "In here," I said, walking to the bathroom with Kenzie right behind me. I flipped on the light as she stepped into the bathroom. "I'll start running the water. Go ahead and undress," I said before turning around and starting the water. Once I thought the temperate was good, I turned back around to see Kenzie standing there still with her clothes on. "Kenzie, honey, you need to take your clothes off so you can take a bath." She walked backwards until she was in a corner and slid down the wall so she was sitting and brought her knees up to her chest. Her breathing became uneven. I kneeled down in front of her. "It's okay, it's just so you can take a bath." I said softly. She just looked up at me and sniffled. "How about I close my eyes, and you tell me when you're undressed and in the tub?" I suggested, hoping to convince her. She slowly started to stand up, so I closed my eyes and put my hands over my face. In a few minutes, I heard her little voice.

"Okay," Kenzie said in almost a whisper. I turned around and she was sitting in the tub like she always sits; with her knees to her chest. I walked over to her and sat on my knees.

"I'm going to wash your hair first, okay?" She nodded in response, and I grabbed a plastic cup the I always keep by the tub. I filled it with water and poured the water down her long brown hair, which was full of tangles. I did this several times to make sure all of her hair was wet. Then I grabbed the shampoo and massaged it into her hair. While her hair was out of her face, I noticed all of her scratches. She had one big wound in the top-left of her forehead. It wasn't cleaned. Why didn't the doctors clean it? "Kenzie, how did you get that gash?" I asked her while pointing to it. She shrugged her shoulders. After rinsing all the shampoo out of her hair, I rubbed in conditioner. I rinsed that out of letting it sit for a few minutes. "Alright, sweetie, I need you to stand up so I can wash your body." After a little bit of hesitation, she slowly made her way to her feet. You wouldn't even have to look closely to see the bruises on her inner thighs. She had dried blood there, too. I was filled with hate towards her dad, and sorrow for her. I starting washing her bruised arms. I noticed a ton of little scratches on her palms. "Kenzie, what happened here?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. "You don't know?" I questioned without sounding upset.

"I can't tell you," Kenzie whispered. I let it go and washed the rest of her cut and bruised body, skipping her private area and letting that be last. "Okay, I need to clean that, but I know it's uncomfortable," I said while pointing to her area. "So, I'll let you do it if you don't want me touching it," I continued while grabbing another washcloth that didn't have soap on it. She slowly took it from me after I had wet it and starting washing herself. I didn't look at her while she did it. I didn't want her to feel more uncomfortable than she already did. Once she was done, I opened up a towel, holding it out in front of me. "Alright, come on out," I said. She walked into the towel and I wrapped her up. "I'll be right back," I said before leaving her. I soon returned with some clothes I had bought last night. I turned away while she changed into them. Once she was done, I sat her down on the sink, her little legs dangling off the edge. I grabbed the peroxide and some cotton balls from under the sink. "I need to clean the little cuts on your hands and the big one on your head. It might sting a little." At those last words, she brought her knees up to her chest and put her head down, covering her face. "Sweetie-"

"I'm sorry. I'll be a good girl, I promise," Kenzie cried out. It shattered my heart. She thought she was bad. She thought I was trying to punish her.

"No, no it's nothing like that. You have been a perfect little girl. I just can't let your cuts get infected. I'm not trying to hurt you."

Kenzie's POV

"I'm not trying to hurt you," Demi said. I didn't want her to hurt me, so I promised to be good. I always said that to dad, but he never listened. I decided to take this the easy way. It's never as bad when I choose the easy way. I lowered my knees down and reached my hands up. I never noticed how many cuts my dad put there. They covered my palms. Demi gave me a small smile before pouring something onto my hands. It stung! I pulled my hands back when she poured the liquid on one of them, but she grabbed them before I could fully bring them to my chest. She held a couple of big cotton balls on my palms as the liquid soaked in to my cuts. It started to hurt less and less as she held my hand. Then she poured it on to my other hand. She held it and put the cotton balls on it. Soon, she was done with my hands. I looked at my cuts in surprise. They looked so much better now that the dirt and blood was off of them. "Okay, now I have to clean the one of your forehead," she said, pouring the liquid onto the cotton ball before placing it on my head. That one stung worse than my hands! I pulled back, but she held my head so that the cotton ball stayed in place. I felt tears drop from my eyes. After she was done, the pain had stopped. I sniffled as she put everything away. "I'm sorry," she said. I didn't believe her. She was trying to hurt me! She was like my dad!

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