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Kenzie's POV

I had calmed down in the back of the ambulance with the young lady. She kept talking softly to me. I wasn't crying anymore, but I was still really scared. I didn't know where I was going, or what would happen. Soon, the vehicle has stopped. The lady picked me up like before, and made sure I was covered by the blanket. I was grateful for that. She quickly carried me into the building. "When can I see mommy?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"Soon. The doctors just need to check some things, then your mommy will come see you," the lady answered.

As she put me down on a thing with wheels, like the one in the ambulance, I found myself holding onto her shirt. "No," I cried.

"It's okay," she said as she tried to pull my hands off of her shirt.

"No," I repeated as more tears formed. I didn't know her, but I knew her better than the other people that were around me. I didn't know what would happen. I didn't know what they were going to do to me. The lady was able to pry my hands off of her. I just cried as other people pushed me into another room.

It reminded me of when I was taken away from my dad the first time.

I was put onto a bigger bed, and some of the people left. I was still in tears when a man came in. He was wearing a white coat. I watched him carefully as he came into the room. He came closer to me, and I scrambled off of the bed, making the blanket drop off of my body. I scooted back into a corner of the room. "We just need to look-"

"No!" I cut him off. "No, please!"

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said as he tried to pick me up off the floor. I flared my arms and legs around, trying to make him stay away from me. It hurt to move my legs like that, but I didn't want him to touch me. I screamed and cried as all of this was happening. "Okay, okay," He said backing up. "What can I do to make you more comfortable? I need you to work with me, here. What can I get you?"

"I want Mommy!," I cried out.

"I don't want your mommy in here right now," he said.

"No, Mommy!" I was so desperate to get her.

Then the doctor ran out of the room.

Demi's POV

I followed the ambulance back to the hospital. The officers wouldn't allow me to ride or even see Kenzie. I got a glimpse of her being carried out of the house, but I couldn't run to her. Seeing and hearing her calling out to me broke my heart. I parked and got into the hospital just in time for the doctor to find me. "Ms. Lovato?" He asked almost panicked.

"Yes?" I asked even more panicked. I didn't know where my baby was.

"Follow me," He said as he turned around. We rushed through some halls before stopping at a door. "She won't let me come near her, all she asked for was you," he said as he opened the door.

My heart dropped to my stomach. Kenzie was balling her eyes out in the corner of the room with her legs up to her chest again. She had absolutely no clothes on. "Mommy!" She cried out as she saw me.

"Kenzie!" I called as I rushed to her side. Her arms were out and waiting for me. I scooped her up quickly and held her tight. "I'm sorry, Kenzie. I'm so sorry," I whispered in her ear as she cried into me. He face was buried in me neck and her hands were gripping my shirt.

"Mommy, mommy," she kept saying as she cried.

"I'm here, Kenzie," I said as tears freely flowed down my face.

"Do you think you can help us?" The doctor asked. "Can you get her to let us look at her? She needs to be examined."

I nodded while walking back to the bed. I tried laying Kenzie down, but her grip on my shirt tightened, which I didn't even know was possible. "Don't leave me!" Kenzie cried.

"No, baby, I'm not leaving. I'm staying right here beside you. The doctor needs to help you, but he has to see some things. You have to let him help you."

She continued to cry as I laid her down on the bed. She didn't have anything covering her, so I saw the bruises on her thighs and dried blood on her legs. Her private area was so swollen. No, no, no, no! How could I have let this happen?

Kenzie held my hand as tight as she could. Her knuckles were turning white. I covered the top of her hand with my hand that she wasn't holding. I noticed deep, red marks going around both of her wrists. Something had been tied to them.

"Alright, Kenzie, what hurts the most?" The doctor asked. Kenzie pointed to her private area, just as I thought. "I thought so. Can I look at it closer? I can help it stop hurting."

"No!" She yelled in a panic as she kicked his hands away.

"Kenzie, he won't hurt you," I tried to explain.

"Please, Mommy, no. Don't let him," she begged.

"Is there a girl doctor?" I asked.

"She takes care of patients on the other side of the hospital," he explained.

"No, Kenzie is scarred, especially of men. Doesn't that make sense in this situation? If you want any chance of anything being done, the doctor needs to be a female."

"Alright, okay. I understand. I'll go see what I can do," the doctor said as he left.

I looked down at Kenzie, who was trembling. "It's okay, now. Kenzie, I am so sorry," I said softly. She pointed to the blanket that had been dropped on the floor. I picked it up and covered her with it.

I felt like such a failure. I'm supposed to protect her, but I let her get hurt again in the worst way she had ever been hurt.

Soon, a female doctor came into the room. "Hi, you must be Kenzie," the doctor said as she entered and put on some sterolized gloves. Kenzie nodded while keeping my hand tight in hers. "I'm Dr. Mills. I'm going to help your hurts feel better." She sat on a stool next to the bed. "Can I see your hurts?" Kenzie moaned and shook her head to tell her 'no.'

"Kenzie, whatever they do is going to help you. I'm right here, I won't them do anything that won't help you feel better," I said. It didn't take too much more convincing to get Kenzie to lift up the blanket.

I could tell by Dr. Mills' face that she felt empathy. I guess she wasn't used to seeing something this devastating. You can perform surgeries and procedures, but nothing compares to seeing a child in terrible pain for something they couldn't control.

"Hmmm, Owie," Dr. Mills said as Kenzie nodded her head. "I need a closer look to see what all needs to be fixed, okay?" Kenzie didn't answer, but she didn't fight back.

"Remember, Kenzie? We've been through this before. The doctors help you, right?" I asked, trying to keep her focus on me.

Kenzie slightly nodded, then cringed. "Owww," Kenzie whined. The doctor had just touched her.

"Is there anything for pain she can take?" I asked.

The doctor shook her head with a sympathetic expression on her face. "We have to do tests before anything can go into her stomach or blood stream." Dr. Mills continued to do her job, even though the pain Kenzie was in was heartbreaking. I tried to calm her down, but I couldn't get her to ignore what was going on. That was impossible.

He Told Me Not to Tell (Demi Lovato Adoption COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now