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Kenzie's POV

I was woken up by cold, yet sweaty hands shaking me. My eyes pop wide open and I see it's my dad. He looks scared. Once he notices I'm awake, he grabs my wrist and pulls me up. I see him bring down the ladder of the attic and signals me to climb up. "Mr. Wilson, open up," I hear a voice through our front door call out. It's followed by several loud knocks. Once I'm in the attic, I crawl to the corner and bring my knees up to my chest.

"Stay on these boards, don't move or else they will hear you, don't make any noise, and if they find you, don't tell them anything about me." He tells me in a quiet, yet harsh voice. "Do you understand?" He asks. I nod my head. What else am I supposed to do? I have to do what he tells me to do, or else he'll get mad at me. He climbs down and shuts the attic stairs. The knocking on the front door continues.

"Eric Wilson, it's just a few driving tickets that you haven't paid. Let us in and we'll get it taken care of quickly." The voice calls out. My dad must be hiding somewhere. He didn't answer the door. Then I hear a crash, and I assumed that they broke down the door. "We know you're here," the unknown man says. His voice is now a lot closer. I'm shaking. I don't want them to find me, and I'm trying my best not to make any noise, but my foot slides off a board, causing a creaking sound. I pull my foot to where it was before and freeze, hoping the man didn't hear the noise, but the attic opens and the ladder comes down. I remain completely frozen. The man climbs up the ladder and points a gun in my direction. I gasp, but stay completely still. I've seen my dad with a gun before. He said he'd kill me if I wasn't good. The man lets out a sigh. "What are you doing up here?" He asks, obviously frustrated. I don't say anything, just stare at him. A few seconds later, I hear what sounds like a window breaking. "I got him," the man calls out as he jumps off the ladder. I take a sigh in relief right before another person takes his place. This time, it's a woman. She looks shocked to see me.

"Hi, sweetheart. Can you tell me what you're doing up here?" She asks. I don't say anything. My dad's going to be mad enough that they found me. "I can help you, but I need you to talk to me." I remain silent. "My name is officer Katie, can you tell me your name?" I contemplate on what I should do. What if I don't answer? Will she get mad?

"Kenzie," I whisper.

"Can you tell me that again? I couldn't hear you." I shook my head, deciding that I was too scared of my dad. "How about you come down here. I can help you. You must be really cold up there." She suggests. I hadn't noticed it before she told me, but it is cold. I look out the little window that I'm sitting by and see snow on the ground. All of a sudden, I start to shiver, not just from fear, but also from coldness. She puts one knee up on the attic floor, and I scoot back. I'm as far into the corner as I can go, but I'm still trying to get farther. "I'm not going to hurt you," she says calmly. I don't fully believe her. "But I need you to come down here so we can take care of this problem." She continues. uh-oh, I think to myself. I'm in trouble. My bottom lip starts to quiver, and I can feel tears forming in my eyes. "It's okay," Katie tells me, "You're going to be okay. Just climb down here. You'll be safe." I don't know what to do. Dad told me not to tell anyone about what he's done. I guess that's all he told me. I wouldn't be disobeying him, and I don't want to make Katie mad. My heart starts to beat faster and faster as I crawl on my hands and knees to the ladder. Katie holds out her arms, and I flinch back. "Sorry," she says as she brings her arms back in a climbs down the ladder. I slowly follow. Once I'm down on the ground, she gives me a small smile. "I'll take you to a safer place. Let's go to my car." She tells me. Then she points to my feet. "You don't have shoes. Can I carry you?" Before she gets an answer, she starts to bend down towards me. I take some steps back and shake my head. "Sweetie, your feet are going to get really cold." I look down at my feet, then look back up at her and shake my head. "Okay, follow me," she says, giving in. I slowly walk behind her, making sure there's plenty of room between us. Once we get outside, I get really cold. I see my dad, who is staring at me with threatening eyes. I stop right where I am. Katie looks back at me. "Come on, we're almost to the car. It's warm in there." I look at her, then back at my dad. I start to back up, and Katie walks towards me. I start to back up faster, trying to get away from all people. "It's okay," Katie says, still walking towards me. She picks me up and puts me on her hip. I struggle to get away. I try to wiggle out of her arms, but she doesn't let go. She carries me to a car like the one my dad's in and puts me in the back seat, then closes the door. She goes to the back of the car and gets something out of the trunk. She comes around to my door again. I back away as she opens the door. She has a blanket. "You're going to be fine. Here's a blanket. See? It's warm," She tells me as she holds the blanket out. I slowly reach for it and feel it. It's soft. She smiles at me and I grab the blanket. I wrap myself up, but I'm still cold. Cold and scared.

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