Chapter 4: Distress

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Pitifully, San walked down the numerous steps of the castle tower - leaving Kang Yeosang's room. Silence reigned these halls. Only the echoes of his footsteps accompanied him as he walked. Where... oh where could he have gone? His palm angrily clenched on the grip of his dagger. Tonight was perfect, or so he thought—or so he was told by the boss.

San rolled his eyes, pausing at the final step to the stairs; he caught a glimpse of a guard walking by, following an older lady. Possibly a son with his mother—servants tied to the prince. Pathetic. He slid out the castle entrance.

Even the town was quiet. The sun had just gone down, so why were they all in the darkness? He shook his head, sighing, "How pathetic." He slipped his dagger into its holder, walking.


He paused, turning back before he exited the town's gate, and he saw the boss.

"Yunho?" San quirked an eyebrow, his hand resting on his hip. He squinted his eyes slightly as it was dark, yet he recognized that voice of anywhere. "Why are you here?"

"I live among these people, remember?" His chuckle was sly.

Nothing in his letters really mentioned him living in the village, but some things did add up... since Yunho mentioned he worked in a town. San hummed, his hands going behind his back as he looked at the taller in the eyes.

The moon glimmered in Yunho's eyes, and he smiled. "Come." He beckoned, striding away from San.

Confused, San followed. Yunho was the boss; he wouldn't harm San. He can trust Yunho. His eyes observed the older's movements, from his hand unlocking the door to pushing it open for them.

"Cozy," San said. "Reminds me of the cabin."

'That's why I made it cozy." Yunho said.

San nods.

"Want some tea?" Yunho asked, guiding the younger to the dining room.

"Uh," San felt his throat become dry, and he bit his lip, "Sure?" He smiled weakly.

Yunho nodded, satisfied with the weak response. He grabbed the kettle from the heater, "How did it go?" His tone shifted. Quite vile.

"H-How did wh-what go?" A lump formed in San's throat.

"You know," Yunho's gaze flickered over, eyeing San from the corner of his eye. "Your mission."

San laughed nervously, "Oh that." He swallowed down his uncertainty. "It- uh-."

"Don't lie, I'd rather there be honesty." Yunho cut in.

San sighed, looking down. "The prince wasn't there as we had suspected."


A crow flew over the trees, gliding past the snowdrops that cluttered down towards the ground. In its beak, it held a piece of parchment—its eyes frantically searching for the familiar cabin located in the forest. The crow obeyed its owner, knowing better than to go with the others of its kind.

There's the cabin, right below his wings. The crow swooped down, narrowing its eyes as it felt snow clash against it, sliding from side to side to avoid being hit directly. Its beak bit down on the rolled parchment securely, for it felt the paper begin to flap violently with the wind.

Ah, the light. There it was - the familiar cabin. It steadied its wings and glided down at full capacity, inching its legs forward to balance out the speed the crow was going at. Its claws sprung out fiercely, and it perched itself on the windowsill, its beak tapping the window.

It beckoned itself inside, noticing the crack was just wide enough for it to crawl in. It dropped the parchment, cawing loudly to get the attention of the guys. Pleased with all eyes on it, the crow pushed the roll of parchment towards the ledge of the counter.

Seonghwa went to it, and he grabbed it, giving the crow some berries as compensation for the rough journey.

"What does it say?" Mingi leaned against the older, his eyes plastered on Seonghwa's hands as the blonde unrolled it.

Seonghwa's eyes scrolled through the letters, and he began to read it to the rest.

"Hello boys,"

"I am here writing this to you because I have tragic news. Our companion, Choi San, was unable to fulfill his mission: to kill the prince."

"It appears there were some complications - such as the prince not being in his room when we expected him to be there. As of now, the prince has yet to return to his bedroom, so the mission shall be reattempted in a month."

"Remember, we need to get rid of the royal crown - which is him as he is the only one left here."

"San will return by dawn. I'll update you next time. Goodbye, take care."

"From J. Y."

Yeosang was wide-eyed. His pupils dilated, and he could hear his heart's strong palpitations in his ears.

"Yeonghan," Jongho scooted closer, eyeing him, "You look... pale."

Yeosang flickered his gaze at the younger, and he flashed a gentle smile. "Hungry," He laughed lightly. Soon enough, his stomach rumbling. "Missed lunch..."

"It's time for dinner!" Seonghwa shrieked, whacking Yeosang's head playfully. He narrowed his eyes naggingly, "You will eat dinner with us even if you reject it."

Mingi only snickered at Yeosang's surprised state. His eyes became crescents. "It's okay, Yeonghan. You'll get used to it since you are staying with us, right?"

All three looked at Yeosang with such intense gazes. Their fists were clenched against their palms; their aura had shifted suddenly. One wrong word and there was no knowing what would happen to Yeosang.

Yeosang pushed his hair back since it was inching towards his eyes. "Yeah, I'll stay - if you guys will let me."

"We will-," Jongho chirped.

"But we'll have to train you to be like us." Seonghwa interrupted.

Yeosang's throat went dry, and he simply nodded. Shouldn't be that bad... right?

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