Chapter 9

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A/N: This is roughly how I imagine Lucius to look. Though of course, you can picture him however you want.


Half an hour later, we finished packing his stuff. Which was half an hour too long, in my opinion. Keeping myself from giving into my instincts while his unbelievably intense scent was lingering all over this room was no easy task.

The scent wasn't even sexual in nature. Thank the Goddess, because I think I would've pounced him already if it was.

I watched my boy, now in a pair of jeans and a grey t-shirt. I made him change out of that awfully crumpled suit he was wearing, while hearing some "What's the problem with it"s.

Note to self: My Mate seems to have little to no fashion sense and awareness.

"Come here." I said softly after sitting down on his desk chair. I wouldn't make the mistake of sitting on his bed again, especially not while thinking of doing sexual stuff, because I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself properly.

When he was within reach, I pulled him into my lap and kissed him. His lips tasted so delicious, I knew I would never get enough of them. I snaked my hand around him, stroking his lean back and upwards, until I got a hold of his nape.

I could feel his hands settle on each of my cheeks while our kiss grew more intense. I normally really disliked being touched in such a way, but for some reason it didn't bother me when he did it, so I let him.

We let our tongues intertwine with each other in a slow and sensual dance. This time I refrained from dominating our kiss, I was more concerned about losing my grip on reason.

My other hand slowly made it's way down to his chest, his lean abs and at last his crotch. I squeezed it a little and my boy let out a small, wonderful moan. I opened the zipper and took out his length, stroking it softly. He let out several more quiet yet beautiful moans, which were becoming increasingly louder.

At that point I stood up with him in my arms, still kissing, and walked towards the tall mirror he had hanging on his wall.

He whined when I ended our kiss, but I paid him no heed and made him stand on his feet again, before turning him around so he was facing the mirror. So he could see what a mess he was right now, because of me.

I guided both his hands to each side of the mirror, so he was leaning forwards with his hands on the wall.

"Aren't you just beautiful, pet?" I asked him right before taking his dick into my hand again, to which he reacted promptly by letting out a lovely moan.

I took in his image from behind him. His flushed cheeks, swollen lips, dazed eyes. His length, which was standing and leaking precum onto my hand.

"Look at how slutty you look, my Mate." With my free hand, I cupped his cheeks so he'd look at himself in the mirror. He did so, and his blush got quite a few shades darker. But I got an even stronger reaction when he hesitantly looked at me through the mirror.

He let out the loudest suppressed moan thus far and his knees buckled.

Oh how I want to fuck him right now.

"Pet, are you sure you can allow yourself to get any louder?" I teased instead.

I took his shirt, pulled it up and pushed it into his mouth, which made him let out a muffled groan.

In hindsight, I really shouldn't have done that. Because if he looked slutty before, now it was just downright sinful. And it was even more difficult to control my instincts that were telling me to just pound into him.

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