Chapter 2

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"...Beta Lucius?" I unconsciously said out loud and immediately felt the stares doubling.

Beta Lucius was my mate? I'm Beta Lucius' mate??

People were doubtfully glancing at me and Beta Lucius, confusion plastered all over their faces, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

But I didn't care. The only thing I cared about were those piercing green eyes.

He was holding my gaze as if daring me to look away.

But I didn't- No, I couldn't. His eyes had me captivated. There seemed to be so much hidden deep withing those eyes.

At that moment, his eyes grew dark, nearly black. I perceived this to be the lust he felt.

Lust to do many things to me, with me. I shivered visibly in excitement. I wanted to receive everything he'd give me.

His smirk grew wider as he motioned me to stay put and turned his back to me. I have no idea how or why I know that he wants me to stay in place. I just do.

"Matt?!" Pulling me out of my trance-like state, a familiar voice called out to me.

I turned my head and saw Nate pacing towards me.

"What's with your suit? Why are you all sweaty? And why the hell did you show up only now?"

He hammered me with questions, and I honestly didn't know where to start or what to answer first.

So what came out of my mouth was a mix of words that didn't make sense.

"I- Lucius! And- running, backpack... Mate..?!!"

I mean, in my defense, I haven't had time to process all that was happening yet either.


As I expected, Nate was confused. But I think he understood that I was just as confused as he was(if not more). And that I wouldn't be able to give a better answer.

"Alright then, I get it, your brain is muddled at the moment. Then at least come and sit down there to calm down."

"No, I can't."

Now then, if only you could see the expression that he had right then. But you can't, this is a book. I can try to explain it though. It was a mix of him being baffled, irritated, amused and dazed at the same time. Now try imagining that. Pretty comical, if you ask me, hehe.

Seeing as I wasn't intending to explain myself, there a pulsing vein at his temples that was threatening to pop as he asked "Why..?"

Whyyyyy?? How should I know?! I'm still just as confused as you are, dumbass!

But the only thing I managed to squeeze out was a weak...


Yeah, that's it. I also want to know why. So I looked around in search of my answer.

Just as I was becoming anxious, I saw him.

It seemed like the rest of the world stopped existing as he was walking towards me, his eyes trained on mine.

I wanted him to walk faster. I wanted to be by his side.

Finally, after half an eternity, he stood tall before me. He gently raked his hand through my hair and pulled me into his hard, yet also very soft chest.

"Good boy." He whispered into my ear and all my hairs stood on ends.

This was the first time I heard his voice and I wasn't a tad bit disappointed. Quite the opposite, actually. I was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed that these two words, coming from him, could affect me this much.

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