Chapter 6

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Master and I were walking outside to where Nate and Alpha Cedric should be.

Yes, Master. I found out this was a lot easier to say(or think) than L-Lucius. I know, this is ridiculous at this point. I myself never felt this weird while saying another person's given name.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to say his name normally in this lifetime?

Also... Master's intuition really is something else. I just realized it right now, but the way he figured something was wrong only from me saying 'I'm not that great' is...

Really cool!

And how did he even find out I had a problem of uttering his name?! I didn't really mention that, like... at all??

Wait. Maybe it's precisely because I didn't mention it at all.



Although the solution we found together, me calling him Master instead of his real name, was probably his goal from the beginning, he didn't force me to do it.

He just guided the conversation a little and when the time came, he explained what I needed to know to make my decision.

In fact, the only thing he kinda forced on me was the 'not speaking bad of myself' thing... which kinda isn't really a bad thing if you think about it.

Other than that, everything he did never felt like he forced it on me.

I mean, I liked his aggressive style of handling me ...I think.

Moreover, I just said that I trust him. Which was kind of embarrassing, but I wanted to say it.

Sure, him being my Mate was a big influence that led me to say that. Since my instincts tell me to trust him, because he would never do me any harm.

But his sincerity was what gave me that last push. The way he handles things, how he patiently waits for me to say my decisions and opinions, not putting me under pressure to do anything.

Even when we were sexual, I knew he wouldn't force me to do anything. If I wanted to, I could've said no.

However, what I didn't expect was his reply to my declaration of trust. And I felt that he really meant every single word he said.

I'm still kind of dazed because of it. I've awakened many things in him??? Like what? How could you say that and not elaborate, Master??

Besides that, he also said that he's really glad that I made it here today... Like, really? I think I'll squeal about that when I'm alone!

We were nearing a lounge where I first saw Nate sitting on a couch, dazed. We walked up to him and Master asked "Where's Alpha?"

That seemed to make him snap out of his daydream and he replied "He said he still had some business to take care of, beta Lucius. Oh and also, he said that you shouldn't search after him..."

He hesitated for a second before continuing, "Since he thinks you'll be in no state to help..."

As he finished speaking, he looked at me, his glance shortly halting when he saw my neck.

The corner of his mouth twitched at that and I smugly looked at him.

Hehe, yes! See how loved I am already. You jealous?

"What? Is something wrong?" I then asked in faked innocence.

He then faked politeness and replied "No, why should there be something wrong? The whole evening has been a whole new, fabulous experience for me. Well, at least until about 8pm."

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