Chapter 10

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Some time has already passed since I left my boy to talk with his parents. And by some time, I mean two minutes at most. Yet it feels so strangely long.

Alpha was in a good mood, humming some tune to himself and giving me the occasional grin.

Some more, agonizing minutes passed without being able to see my Mate or feel his touch. Until a shrill, reproachful "TOM!" came from inside, along with a loud smack.

I raised my brow and thought to myself that if they didn't show up in the next thirty seconds, I'm going to look for myself what's going on. Luckily not even 10 seconds later my Mate opened the front door and slipped into my arms as if it was the most natural thing to do. Content with his actions and being able to feel him again, I kissed the top of his head.

Behind him came his mother with a beaming smile and his father with the same expression as— usual...? One of his cheeks was beet red, and not in embarrassment, because the redness had the shape of a hand.

Now, I usually am not the curious type but I'm intrigued as to what he said for him to end up like that.

But that thought vanished when I felt my boy cuddling into my chest, sighing in relief. My chest swelled with pride at that and if we were alone I would've done some stuff, if you know what I mean. But I settled by tightening my embrace.

"Now then, it's really a shame, but we should be departing now." Cedric announced, appearing to be genuinely sad to be going.

"I really hope we'll meet again soon." I added with a smile.

"Yes, hope so too. Come by whenever you want." Hannah began. "And if it's not a bother, I'd also like to visit you lot sometimes. Since we'll be family from now on."

"That shouldn't be a problem at all. Seeing as we're talking about it already, why don't you drop by on..." I thought about when would be a good time. "... on the Saturday in two weeks? For a dinner?"

"That's wonderful!" She excitedly replied. "Now that I know when I'll meet my Jelly Bean again, I can be relieved. You know, he's really unreliable in stuff like that. So please do remind him that his parents still exist from time to time. Also-"

"Mom, stop!" My Mate covered his face with his hand, but I could see his bright red ears. Cute.

I chuckled. "It's alright Mrs. Bloom, I'll keep it in mind." I shook her hand as a goodbye, shortly followed by Tom's hand. I took a last glance at his cheek and wondered who of the two was really the submissive one. I'd assumed it was Hannah, since she appeared to be happy serving food and drinks, but I think I have to reassess that next time we meet. But also, it doesn't really matter either way.

We then entered the car. Our way back was comfortable, but for once I felt slightly resentful at Cedric's antics since me and my Mate could've had a swell time if it wasn't for him third-wheeling.

About an hour later, we arrived. Mathias' home was in one of the outer Districts, so it took us a short while to get here.

I stepped out with my boy in tow, not even bothering saying goodbye to Cedric. I headed towards the huge building that was the main packhouse, into my apartment. I seldom come here, but it's the place where our privacy is guaranteed.

I lifted him up into my arms, to which he let out a giggle that warmed my heart. I thought about going to the bedroom first, but after short deliberation, I decided on the couch in the living room.

I sat down with him on my lap, exhausted and relieved at the same time. Exhausted from holding back, mainly. Relieved because I can finally relax with my Mate. I don't have to search for him any more. He's here. In my arms. I knew since yesterday, but it's only now properly sinking in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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