Chapter 4

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Dazed, I look into the void.

He did all that so I wouldn't have to tell Nate and Alpha Cedric, but he still insists I tell him?

But he's the reason I didn't want to tell!

"I- uh... I really don't want to talk-"

"No matter if you want to talk about it or not, I'm still going to find out one way or another." He interjected.

"So either you tell me now and we can discuss it peacefully, or I'll find it out by myself and the discussion probably won't be that peaceful."

That makes kind of sense... I think?

"Also, remember we are Mates. We will spend the rest of our lives together. Which I am truly thrilled about, trust me. But keeping secrets isn't an option, Mathias. That applies to you as much as it applies to me."

R-Rest of our lives... So he already decided on that? That kind of really makes me all happy and giddy inside...

And he's th-thrilled about it? Really?

If that's so.. maybe, just maybe, I could tell him...

I sensed that he's willing to wait until I made my decision. He gently massaged my wrists, which was kinda calming.

And at that moment, I made my decision. He's right. He's probably gonna find out anyways, since he just told me he's intending to stay by my side.

I just hope he won't change his view about that midway through this conversation though...

"Uh so... I'm kind of really bad at school. I mean my grades are really... and I mean really, REALLY- awful." I looked at him, trying to find any hint of disappointment, but I only found attentiveness.

So I figured it should really be alright telling him after all.

"And uh, I didn't see my report card myself since the situation was kinda hectic at the time, but my Dad said that half my scores were F's and D's. That's also the reason why he forbid me from coming here in the first place..."

Once again I didn't dare look him in the eyes, since I was afraid of his reaction.

Thankfully it seemed like L-Lucius didn't really mind this time. Oh my Gosh. I think I should just stop using his name at this point. It feels wrong anyways.

"That's why when you said you'd expect nothing less of your Mate... I felt like I wasn't worth to be your Mate... I think. I mean, I know you probably meant it as praise, but..." I trailed off.

He seemed to be thinking intently about what I just said.

"Okay, I get it. First, thank you for telling me, Mathias. I was hoping you would do so, and you didn't disappoint. I'm proud of you."

At that, I unconsciously snapped my head up and looked into his eyes. I could only see warmth and satisfaction.

"Really? You still want to be my Mate...?" I just had to make sure.

He laughed at that. "Of course I do."

At that moment I decided that I loved his laugh. And that there probably wasn't a more perfect laugh than his.

"However, the issue of you having bad grades really puzzles me. You seem really bright, so what's the reason for that?"

Bright? Reason? I looked at him quizzically.

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