Chapter 3

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Nathaniel (Nate)

What. Just. Happened.

First, Matt came to the ball TWO HOURS late and when he ultimately arrives, he's all worn out, his suit is completely crumpled up and he's totally out of it?

But that's not even the strangest thing. I mean, he's always been a huge air-head, so I can explain that. Somehow.(?)

I pinched my arm so many times it's already all over with red marks. It wasn't my imagination.

What the actual f*ck?!

I can only let out a dry laugh of ironic amusement.

Is Beta Lucius really Matt's... mate...? It can't be, right?

But what I witnessed obviously points towards that.

What the hell...

And beta Lucius lifted Matt into his arms like he was some sort of light weight?? Sure Matt isn't the buffest and biggest guy out there, but he was by no means small and dainty to be lifted up like he weighted nothing... is that the strength of a beta?


I'm so shocked at the moment that I can only sit on the spot I asked Matt to calm down on earlier(which he refused for whatever reason??? I'm so confused I could cry) and look into the empty air dazedly.

I don't know how long I stayed like that, trying to sort my thoughts and figure out what the hell was going on.

I only got out of my stupor when a big guy tipped on my shoulder and said "Follow me. Alpha Cedric's orders."

A-Alpha Cedric? Me?

My heart palpitated in anxiousness. What would Alpha Cedric want with me?

Only then did I figure out that it probably had to do with Matt. Damn. He'll be the death of me one day.

I followed the dude and he brought me down the hallways into a suite. I didn't even know there where such rooms here.

They're probably only for the leading figures of the attending packs, since I've never heard of such rooms being available.

Alpha Cedric and beta Lucius were sitting in reclining armchairs and they pointed me to a vacant one that was opposite of them.

The tension in the room was nearly killing me.

Then I saw in the corner of my eye, Matt sleeping on a bed. I was visibly relieved that he was alright.

I mean, there's lots of stories of powerful werewolves abusing their strength against their mate.

Beta Lucius noticed that but didn't say anything. I sat down and Alpha Cedric started talking.

"I called you here because we- particularly Lucius- need some answers. So we'll ask you some questions. That alright with you?"

Do I have any choice though? Even if I wasn't alright with it, that probably wouldn't change a thing...

"Yes, of course." I said and gave a small smile. Better not provoke powerhouses.

"Great." He smiled back. "Luke- No, Lucius will ask the questions then. If you don't know the answer, that's no problem. Also, I'm just gonna stay here as a sort of witness." Wow, I never expected an Alpha to be so polite.

Very different from the domineering air you'd expect...

Why do I feel like that last part sounded like an excuse though?

The Mateless Beta (BDSM|MxM)Where stories live. Discover now