Chapter 8

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I just ringed the doorbell some milliseconds ago. To say I'm nervous would be a huge understatement right now.

Well, I managed to block all those negative feelings out on the way here (to be completely honest, that Limo was so cool I just forgot about it). But now that we're standing here, the uncomfortable feeling is setting place in my stomach again.

I'm not even sure what I'm so nervous about.

The door swung open with a sudden whoosh and my Mother's restless face revealed itself. She immediately locked on to me and assaulted me with the tightest hug I've ever experienced. Seriously, if I was a human she would've probably broken quite a few ribs.

"Seriously! You and your father will be the death of me one day. Are you okay? Nathaniel said you found your Mate? He didn't force you to anything, did he? Goodness, to think I'd miss the moment you met your Mate. Oh my Gosh, yes, of course." After that onslaught of words, she yanked, yes, literally yanked my head to see my neck and throat area.

She silently gasped at all the hickeys, but relaxed considerably when she realized that I wasn't marked yet.

"Oh, thank God he's not a brute."


"Right, now that we mentioned that, where is he? It's a 'he' right? You know we'll always accept you no matter what, right Matty? Right. You know. Now, show me, show me." After yanking my head like that she cupped my cheeks with both her hands and continued her onslaught of words.

"Uhhh... Mum-" I was just about to explain the whole situation when she shrieked and thus interrupted my explanation.

"MY GOODNESS! A-Alpha? And Beta Lucius?!" For the first time today, she seemed speechless.

From behind her, Dad emerged rubbing his temple and asking "What are yelling about the whole-"

The moment our eyes met I could only let out a sheepishly nervous laugh.

His eyes narrowed into thin slits. But that was only for a split second.

Because as soon as he noticed my... 'companions' his eyes widened like he saw someone get murdered in front of him.

"I- What- What brings the honor of your presence?" He asked them baffled.

"Mrs. and Mr. Bloom, I'd like to formally introduce myself. Because lovely Mathias is my Mate." Master dropped the bomb without any warning.

"Excuse me? I think I may have misheard. Mathias is what?" Dad inquired with a lost face.

"He's my Mate." He repeated. To drive the point home, he pulled me into his embrace, hugging me gently from behind.

I immediately relaxed into his chest and let out a silent sigh of joy.

"I-Is that so...?" He said hesitantly.

Mom and Dad exchanged a brief look of disbelief.

"Oh Goodness. How rude of us, to let you just stand here. Please come in, make yourself at home. I mean- If you would like to, of course." Mom finally said.

"It would be my pleasure. Alpha?" Master confirmed and asked Alpha if he'd join too. But I felt like the answer was obvious, so why ask?

"Likewise." He replied with a polite smile.

See? It was weird however that he was acting so differently from how he was earlier.

Whatever. We entered and Mom led us into the living room where we sat down on our comfy corner couch.

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