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At the day Merlin had to leave behind his old home as well as his only family and friends, the mark, that wrapped itself around his wrist, like a slim bracelet had still been black and gave off a comforting tingle every now and then.

But at the second day of his journey towards his new home, Camelot, he woke up at the middle of the night. The cold light of the moon directly above him hardly made its way through clouds and leaves and his campfire only gave of a slight glow, to small to keep anyone warm.

Still he could make out a bright light through his closed eyes, even though he covered them with both arms, trying to keep sleeping. It took a few moments until his sleepy mind realizes why his arms weren't able to shield him from the almost blinding light.

Carefully he opened his eyes, regretting it shortly after, then in the next moment he was wide awake. Blinking a few times at the look of his wrist which now gave of  a red light, bright enough to light up the black night around him, it casted long shadows, and highlighted the rough texture of the trees that surround him.

For a few moments he just sat there, starring at the warm light in great amazement and giving a short chuckle when he finally processed the meaning behind it.

The line that is currently glowing around his wrist is called a soulmark a kind of magic that can't be explained neither can it be denied, no matter ones opinion towards magic, and no matter if one is even able to perform magic themselves. It comes with everyone, for most people the mark works as a guide. A guide to the missing part of their soul, to the person that completes them. Their soulmate.

The soulmark remains black until the day you will meet this other half, but if the day comes it will shine bright in the color that resembles the other person the most. For Merlins soulmate it was the color of a strong red, full of passion and bravery that automatically transfers itself on Merlin. But after a while of starring in awe at his wrist, as if it was the most beautiful thing he has seen in years, which it might has been, this feeling fades.

Doubt takes it place.

Tomorrow he would arrive in Camelot, he would meet plenty of new people. Camelot wasn't some unknown village like his old home Ealdor was. As soon as he would enter through the gates, and probably even before that, there would be more people than he has seen in his whole life.

And in addition, if his soulmate lived in Camelot, what would they think about Merlins gifts? Camelot was known for its merciless hatred towards sorcery, the people are even forced to hide their marks even tough its a kind of magic no one could get rid of entirely. The king still didn't approve of it, and since he couldn't destroy it he tried to forget it, by forcing everyone to hide it from him.

His soulmate, whoever it may be, could hate him for his magic, or worse, fear him. Soulmates don't always (contrary to common believes) get along perfectly. Everyone can still make their own decisions even if the other half wouldn't approve of it.

Soulmate or not Merlins magic had to stay hidden.


Arthur, prince of Camelot at the time, was sleeping deeply in his chambers, not noticing the glow on his wrist. Even if he would have been wide awake he wouldn't have noticed it.

His arm was wrapped into a fresh white bandage that he just changed before going to sleep and it would stay there for at least the next month, hiding his soulmark.

But he felt an uncomfortable cold creeping up his lower arm, to inform him about his soulmates unease but he tried his best to ignore it, telling himselfto keep sleeping. He always does that. Trying to ignore his soulmate.

Of course he wanted to meet this person, but for him a task like this wasn't an easy one.

Soul-magic doesn't consider the gender, rank or gifts of a person, it only takes in count how well two souls fit together. And for a king it was his duty to marry for the good of the kingdom and provide an heir and knowing himself he knew that there's the slight chance that him and his soulmate couldn't promise any of these conditions.

So he doesn't look at it, whenever he changed the bandage, always fighting the temptation to take just a quick glance at it, knowing I would be pointless. Then he won't know when his soulmate arrives, and he won't fall for them, so he could fulfill his duty as a king.

Therefore he didn't notice the blue and golden glow on his wrist one sunny Wednesday morning.

••━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

This is an AU with an made up story which also wont be 100% accurate at somepoints.

What are your thoughts until now?

Even though I always proofread my chapters there still might be mistakes (English isn't my first language) , so if you notice any mistake please let me know in the comments so I can fix it ^^

See ya!!

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