Chapter 1 | Visitors

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Many years have passed since Merlin arrived in Camelot, he had seen things he wouldn't even dare to imagine and he met more people than he could remember faces. He has met his soulmate.

It didn't took him long to find him, his other half, the person that is supposed to complete him. It wasn't exactly "love at the first sight" quiet the opposite actually. What made him notice it was him, was the unbearable pain he felt whenever Arthur, King of Camelot, plans to take a step outside and getting himself in trouble immediately.

Whenever he is dying Merlin could feel all his pain comprehended on the small line that marked his wrist and whenever Arthur is terrified or furious Merlins wrist feels numb. For some reason Arthur tends to get hurt or in danger a lot.

Arthur on the other hand is clueless about who his soulmate might be.

If he tried to think about it he might have figured it out by now but even after all these years, even after his fathers death, he tries his best to ignore any signal his mark is desperately trying to give him.

And that's exactly what he is doing now.

With large steps and stiff posture, he made his way through Camelots cold stone corridors to Gaius' chambers, as he did every month at this time.

The sun was still low and the week had just began. It seemed almost peaceful, the warm orange light, that shone bright through the large windows on to the white corridor walls.

But the king seemed oblivious to this beauty in his hurry. With a quiet creaking he opened the wooden door without knocking.

It was still early in the morning but the physician was prepared for the kings visit. He still jumped a little as the king burst into the room, before packing a few glass bottles into a leather bag and tying it tightly with a red string.

"Are you sure you still want to take these, Sire." The older man asks in a calm voice, while glancing over a pair of glasses he only wore while preparing potions. His hands where still holding onto the bag the king tired to take.

"I wouldn't have asked you for it if I wasn't." Arthur answered, his voice clear and strong "Thank you Gaius."

Gaius sighs and let go. Arthur then nods to again to thank him and leaves the room the same way he'd entered as the door falls shut behind him he takes a close look at the bag in his hands before returning to his own chambers.

"He was up early." A voice says behind Gaius and the old man flinches a little before turning to the person behind him.

"So are you, Merlin." he responded with raised eyebrows and the young man gave him a slight smile before making his way to the table and taking a seat.

"What was that?" Gaius has returned to is work, but now looked up to face Merlin.
"What do you mean exactly?

"The potions you make him about every month" Merlin stuffed an apple in his mouth "you are always so secretive about it."

"It's nothing serious, but the king wouldn't like me telling you"

"It's not like he would know that I know" Merlin gives Gaius a smile "I'm pretty good at keeping secrets, you know."

Gaius raises his eyebrows again, looking closely at the boy for a moment and then sighs in defeat.

"Its to block the effects of his soulmark"

Merlin stops chewing for a moment "Why would someone want that." his voice is a lot lower than before, as if he was muttering these words more to himself but still looking at Gaius.

"Well you have to remember he is the king of Camelot" The physician begins "He can't be together with whoever he wants."

Merlin stares at his half eaten apple, everything made a lot more sense now, he himself had found out about his soulmate years ago, but he could never explain how Arthur had never realized. At some point he just accepted the fact that Arthur was oblivious or didn't want to be with him.

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