Chapter 5 | Shapeshifter

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„Have you tried the spell you tried on the troll back then?" Gaius asks as he saw his apprentice pace up and down the room. Of course Merlin had told him about the new won information.

„The one thats supposed to bring up the true form of someone? Of course I did and every one similar to it." Merlin throws his arms up „He didn't look bothered at the slightest."

„Maybe that's his true form then." The older man suggests.

„Lord Godric is dead he had no siblings, I'm no beginner." He laughed a little at his own joke, a frustrated laugh.

„Or he has no true form."

„What? Like a ghost?"

„Ghosts have some kind of form Merlin, you are a beginner after all. No, I mean like a shapeshifter."

„A shapeshifter?"

„Annoying but incredibly clever creatures, but most of them shouldn't be able to use more magic than they need for changing shape." Gaius explains, while walking over to one of his bookshelfes „For them every form is their true form."

„So he takes Godrics look to win Arthurs trust and Lady Adaline does the magic, she is the actual sorcerer." Merlin concludes.

„I suppose."

„That doesn't help us at the slightest! We still don't know what they're planing" He throws himself on a chair „And even less how to stop them."

„Then this case is no different than usual."

„And I hate it."

But it's what he had to do and it's what he will keep doing until the day he dies, he promised himself this over and over again. And he didn't want this promise to break with Arthur death, because he wasn't able to protect him.

Merlin!" He hears his name being shouted in the halls by a familiar voice.

„I think you should get going boy, good luck." Gaius gave him a weak smile. Arthur again shouted before Merlin lifted himself up and walks over to the door. He mouthed a „I hate this" to the older man before leaving the room.

„Ah Merlin there you are." The king exclaims while walking over to his servant.

„Yes, who could have expected me in my chambers." He answered in the usual sarcastic tone „With all the chores you give me it might be actually  surprising to find me there."

„I thought you might be doing something useful for once." The other replies in a played annoyance.

„Who said I wasn't?"

„So what where you doing?"

„I asked Gaius to help us." he explains „He suspects the guy who claims to be Lord Godric to be a shapeshifter."

Arthur hated to be reminded that the old man had a background on magic, but he knew how to help, and definitely wasn't evil even his father knew that, so he tried his best to ignore this fact, as he always did.

„So he can change his appearance, like the troll did."

„Yes but unlike the troll, he doesn't need a potion to keep his form."

„Then why would he turn in a different person before entering his chambers?"

„The body of an old man is incredibly uncomfortable." Merlin said so casually that it almost seemed as if he talked from experience.

„Did he tell you how to defeat such creature."

„Well no..."

„So you didn't actually do anything useful after all." Merlin rolled his eyes at this

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