Chapter 2 | Suspiciouns

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The same afternoon he made his way with fast steps through the castle, he was ordered to get the newly arrived guests to dine with the king.

He stops at the chambers door for a moment as he heared shouting from the inside. "Why didn't you mention a fact like this earlier?" A males voice, therefore it must belong to Lord Godric, but it seemed a lot higher, it didn't fit to the old man that Merlin had seen in the throne-room.

"It changes nothing." a female voice replied, Lady Adaline, he voice was still shaking and Merlin could barely make out her words "I just need a few more days." Merlin could almost hear how she teared up. "I hope for you we have this time."

With that the conversation ended. It was awfully quiet, Merlin waited a few moments before knocking, hoping they wouldn't realize he had been listening. But it stayed quiet for a while, just as Merlin rose his had to knock again the door was quickly opened from the inside.

Lord Godric looked down on him, his tired face not matching the voice he had just heard at all. Merlin clears his throat "The king invites you for supper."

"We'll be there." His eyes glare coldly at the servant before the door falls shut again.

"Well that went well."


Merlin watched Arthur while he welcomed his guests and invites them to sit at the long table, while he takes place on the large wooden chair, at the very top of it.

He keeps watching the king as he eats, admiring the king as his hair seemed golden in the afternoon sun that shone trough the windows. Merlin did that often, knowing Arthur would be distracted and won't notice his starring.

He knew it would result in nothing, but sometimes he allowed himself to dream of a different future than the one that will be coming.

A future where everything works out for him, where he isn't just the kings manservant anymore. Even if he was just a friend to Arthur, it would be enough.

But it was impossible, as long as he plans on following his duty as a king, Merlin has to follow his duty as a servant, and as a warlock that is destined to keep him safe at all cost.

With that Merlin snapped back to reality, keep Arthur safe... He had no evidence but he was sure that these people, that are now dining and laughing with the king, are not who they pretended to be.

He was called to the table to refill one of the cups, Lady Adalines to be precise, as she reached out to lead the wine to her mouth the sleeve of her dress slides back, just enough to reveal her wrist. What he saw surprised him, or more like, what he didn't saw.

Her right hand should have been marked with a slim line, which it wasn't, it was empty. Just the woman's pale skin could be seen.

He heard shattering behind him, quickly he turned around and saw Gwen in the door, around her where multiple bowls and their content scattered around the floor. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" She mutters quickly as she knelled down to grab the spilled food in haste. "I'll get something to clean that mess." She says as she rushed out of the room.

Merlin wanted to run after her, but couldn't leave his spot as a servant. He looks at Arthur, he could see the worried expression on his face. It wasn't like Gwen to be clumsy or totally flustered when she was. She was the most collected person they knew.

Merlin shook his head, there's too much going on, he liked it when this day was still 'too peaceful' and when he didn't have to worry about his friends, or possible evil guests.

He could have had a beautiful day.

A sigh left his mouth before he went back to work, planning on asking Gwen later if everything was alright.

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