Bonus Chapter | Morgwen

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Magic was legal, a change that affected the inconspicuous maidservant more than anyone in the castle could know and still after three years she still couldn't bring herself to send the little yellow leaf  that lays under her bed for all this time on it's way.

Every night she would lay awake holding it carefully in her hands, she would just have to give it a little blow, a strong breath was all it would take to get her back. And yet she always put it right back to its place.

Gwen walked through the corridor replacing every second  step with some kind of jump, her work in this castle was done for the day she was about to go home where her brother maybe even prepared a meal, since she will get home late.

But this was not the source of her happiness.

It was the warm felling starting on her wrist and filling her whole body with this comfortable feeling.

Gwen remembers the choice she made three years ago clearly, how she had told her soulmate to leave and to not return. So often had she regretted the words she had told her.

But she was too scared of her own soulmate, of the things she was capable of. Gwen had experiencend those things herself and she didn't need to go through that again.

So is she willing to risk that? To risk getting betrayed again? To see everyone getting hurt again?

She was. There was no question about it anymore, she needed Morgana.

But did Morgana even want her back?

Gwen had told her to ‚leave and never come back again' after all and ever since she could feel how Morgana had become a lot happier, there have been phases, long phases, where her wrist had felt numb again, but they never to the same extend as back then.

Gwen entered her home, he brother was either already to bed or went to the tavern with his friends, but there was a plate left on the table for Gwen with her dinner.

Every other night she would now sit down and eat in peace but today she walked past the carefully prepared meal, right to her bed, kneels down and takes the yellow, almost golden glowing leaf out of a wooden box.

With a click it opens and reveals the already dead plant and thats when doubt overcomes her again.

Shouldn't she inform Arthur first? It would be horrible if Morgana comes back just to be sentenced to death right after.

What she did was indeed quiet stupid, but her body was out of her control.

She saw how her flat hand with the leaf upon it moved slowly closer to her face, she could feel her lips form and her warm breath leave her mouth. And at the moment she realized what happened the leaf, now glowing brighter than before, is flying on the hight of her eyes, turning in every direction once before flying towards the open window, and taking a sharp turn left as soon as its outside.

She had done it, finally.


The moon stood high at the cloud covered sky, only a small portion of its light made could be seen and even that small bit was about to be covered by thick, dark cloud.

Morgana watched the stars every evening, while waiting for a sign from Gwen. She knew Camelot allowed magic, and still Gwen hadn't called for her and maybe it was better this way. For Morgana Camelot still is a dangerous place, just because sorcerers are allowed to life there doesn't mean she is.

„You should go to sleep, Morgana." A rather deep, male voice behind her says in a worried tone, Morgana spins around in surprise.

„Col!" She screems out in surprise.

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