Chapter 4 | Apology

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The same day Arthur sends for his servant. He was originally planning to apologize but is now just watching him doing his chores and actually patiently listening to what he says (but still trowing a pillow every now and then).

Just when Merlin was about to leave the chambers Arthur finally stands up, as a signal for him to stop.

"Merlin, I would like to apologize." He begins and it took him more bravery than he had expected. "I confronted Lord Godric about the soulmark thing you mentioned." It took him even more courage to now look up and look at his servants eyes, which always seem to sparkle a little bit.

These strong blue eyes which reminded him a lot of the blue light he sees on his wrist, when he fails to avoid looking at it.

The thought of Merlin being his soulmate wasn't new to him. It wasn't necessarily a thought but more of a hope, but if they were, Merlin would have talked to him about it, wouldn't he? It was stupid to keep this hope up, one day he will find someone, he just wished it could be 'The One'.

"And?" Merlin breaks him out of his thoughts.

Arthur shakes his head a little, and looks away from him before answering "He told me they where soulmates. He lied to me and don't know why, but if you got a bad feeling about this it might be worth it to be more careful from now on." He looks at Merlin again, trying to show him that he means the things he said "I trust you."

The black haired boy smiled widely at those words, he wished he believed him earlier, but knowing he does now is enough. Enough to keep him safe.

He just gives it a little nod and leaves the room without another word.

At least that's what he wanted to do, but just as he was about to grab the handle the door was opened from the other side, and a stressed maid-servant rushed into the room without knocking.

"Ah, Merlin." She exclaims, seeing him standing directly in front of her "I was looking for you."

She gives Arthur a nervous look, then turns to Merlin "Maybe, we could talk. It will be quick."

"Is it about Lord Godric?" Arthur interfered and Gwen turns to him again quickly, but relaxes a bit "So you finally believe him."

The king dodges her look, of course Gwen would know.

"But yes it is."

"Then I would like to hear about it as well."

She nods and begins to tell the boys about the things she just had witnessed "I saw Lord Godric in the halls and after what Merlin told me I thought it might be a good idea to keep a closer look at him. So I followed him to his chambers, I swear I wouldn't have done such a thing if he wasn't suspicious." She says to Arthur, hoping he wouldn't be too mad at her for spying on the guest of the castle.

"It's fine, but what did you see." He knew Gwen wouldn't do anything to harm anyone.

"Well I could swear I saw him change shape just before he entered the room."

It was quiet for a while.

"So he's a creature, or a sorcerer at least. Like the Troll" Merlin finally speaks up.

"Same thing." The king mutters, his voice deeper and now full of anger, and definitely not happy Merlin brought up his father (especially this point in his life). He knew Lord Godric lied to him but he hoped at least this one time his guest wouldn't turn out to be evil sorcerers.

Merlin just looks disappointed at him, he got used to statements like these, but they still hurt, especially coming from Arthur.

"Not exactly like the troll. He changed, but into another human form, not into one of a monster." Gwen explains further.

"It doesn't matter what exactly he is, he needs to leave." The king says as he made his way to the door, but Merlin held him back.

"Don't rush things, if they suspect that we found out something is up, they might speed up... well, whatever they are doing." Merlin warns.

"You said yourself they need time."

"There is more than one way to kill you if that's their goal. Trust me, I went through all of them."

"You couldn't harm me even if you wanted, Merlin."

Arthur stops and tried to give his servant an warning look but Merlin could see the hint of amusement twinkle in the deep blue, which was somehow so different than the blue of his own eyes. He quickly takes his hand of his shoulder, suddenly a bit flustered from the direct eye contact.

Arthur clears his throat "Then you two keep a close eye on them. As servants you can make an excuse to look through their chambers, don't make it obvious. I send them away as soon as I can." His voice was clear and strong as the voice of a king should be and the servants could just agree to his orders.

"Let's just hope this doesn't end in a catastrophe for once." Gwen sighs.

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I'm sorry for how short this is and that I didn't post this earlier, I just got the dates for the upcoming exams.

So the next chapters might be a bit shorter than usual, but then I can post more frequently.

I also try my best to finally get some romance in here, the whole Godric thing was supposed to be just a simple side plot.

Well, see you in the next part.

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