Chapter 9 | Morgana

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It was already quiet dark when Gwen woke up from a dreamless, but in no way relaxing sleep, Arthur had been with her for about five minutes before she told him to finally leave.

He had informed her about the events, she apparently had been kidnapped by Lady Adaline, and her energy was used to summon the spirit they found about, some sorcerer (which Arthur was suspiciously secretive about) had stopped the spirit before it could take all her energy. This doesn't change that she now felt incredibly drained.

It was obvious that something had bothered him the entire time he had been with her to tell her this. He had also told her about Merlins situation, which was way worse than her own and considering their bond which reached way further than any friendship she could understand he was worried sick about his servant.

She herself was worried as well, Merlin had always been a close friend of hers but something told her he was going to be fine.

There was something else that caught her attention right after Arthur left the house. A litte piece of paper, pinned on the wooden frame of her window slightly moving on the wind. She could swear she saw a crow flying away from it.

There was no doubt about who put this note there, or more like who would make a crow put it there. Even without looking at the handwriting she knew who send it. This wasn't the first letter she received this way, but she always hoped it would be the last and still she kept every single one of them in a wooden box under her bed, so se could read them when the final letter actually has arrived.

She opened the window and pulled on the white sheet that was held there by an invisible force and gave in to her weak pull. The letter only read one word, written in beautiful violett letters, similar to the color on her wrist but not the quiet same, it says „Forest".

Gwen knew what she had to do, she had done it many times before, if the king knew about it, it would probably cost her her head, but luckily she could be sure he would stay with his manservant for a while.

Quickly she threw over a green coat, covering her fave with the hood, there was no doubt to her loyalty towards the king and his kindgdom and she didn't want people to believe there is by being seen leaving the castle at night, right after a failed attempt of destroying the kindgdom.

She opened the door, looking around for any guards, who would look for the fled sorceress and her „husband" and any other suspicious figures. Dodging them had never been a problem and Gwen reached Camelots gates in no time.

Carefully she took the letter out of her pocket held it up in the air and let go, the paper stayed in the air as Gwen took her hand away, then slowly started moving. The letters glowed weak in the dark, helping not to loose track of it while she followed it's way.

Now fast enough that Gwen had to start running, the paper guided her through the forest, always throwing a violett light on the trees shortly before it dodged them. Then it came to a halt. Gwens steps slowed before she as well stood still, breathing heavily she let the white paper glide back into her hand.

The place didn't look any different than the rest of the forest, the trees only stood a few feet further away from each other allowing the moon to shine through the leaves.

„Hey." A familiar voice said, coming from the dark between the trees, Gwen could make out the silluette of an hooded figure, which slowly stepped into the cold moonlight and took of her hood, revealing beautiful black hair shimmering in the light. Gwen held her breath, everytime she saw her, she saw the woman she once loved, the woman she still loved, no matter how much she tried to deny it, no matter how disappointed she was.

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