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Merlin sat in his chambers, looking with a troubled expression out the window, it was bigger than the one he had back in his small room in Gaius chambers. The whole room was a lot bigger than his old one, with books scattered on every fitting surface and lose papers, with letters of a foreign language written on it, somewhere between this mess.

There where two doors to be seen, one leading to another room, quiet similar to his old one, with a bed, a closet and prepared for someone to move in. The other leading to the hallway from where Merlin could make out footsteps coming closer, then knocking.

„Come in." Merlin commands turning his back to the window.

„Sire, the king sends for you." The small, and lanky servant boy said with a slight bow, he was new, Merlin knew most of the servants and most weren't this formal towards him.

„Don't call me sire, I'm the court sorcerer not a king." Merlin said with a chuckle.

Every new servant, cook, knight and even the old ones do the same mistake.

„Oh but I thought... I was told... The knights said." The young boy stuttered, fearing he could be disrespectful towards someone that obviously meant a lot to the king.

„Let me guess, Gwain?"

The servant nods slightly.

„I gonna hex this man one day, put a spell on his tastebuds for a day or something." Merlin mutters, shaking his head while walking past the boy.

Still a bit lost in his thoughts he made his way to Arthurs chambers, his legs knew where to go, every morning he walked the same way to return to his own chambers when he once again stayed at Arthurs and every evening he used this way to even get there.

He entered the room without a knock, a habit that he still couldn't get rid of.

„You send for me, Sire?" Merlin said in his usual sarcastic tone and Arthur jumped a little.


„Exactly, thought you would expect me."

„Yes of course."

Merlin could feel his boyfriend being unsure.

„So what is it, why did you call me?"

„I felt you where upset, I just wanted to know whats wrong." Even after all this time Arthur still found it hard to address any kind of feelings.

Now it was Merlin who was unsure.

„You know you can tell me." Arthur reassured him, walking closer to hold his hand „If it's about the chambers, the offer for you to stay here still stands."

„It's not about the chambers, you know I need them for my studies, and my apprentice will arrive here soon as well." Merlin said looking at the ground

„Then what troubles you?" Merlin looks up, Arthurs eyes looking with a soft expression at his. Every time he does this Merlin could feel himself go weak, whenever he saw Arthur so caring this much about him his heart melted a little.

„Stop that." Merlin laughed.

„Im not doing anything!" Arthur replies confused.

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