Chapter 6 | Storms

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While Arthur searched the whole castle for the maid-servant Merlin went to ask the physician about how to fight a spirit and - to his disappointment - got exactly the answer he had expected. Magic. No sword or any physical attack was able to harm the creature. After summoned even destroying the circle that was used to call it won't stop the destruction.

„So it's up to me once again." Merlin sighs.

„Maybe Gwen already destroyed the carpet and everything turns out just fine." Gaius tried his best to cheer the boy up, as the door opened sudden and loud, it crashed against the wall behind it.

„I can't find Gwen." Arthur storms into the room.

„Maybe shes doing chores again." Now Merlin was the one trying to calm the king, even though he was just as worried.

„It's not just Gwen, Godric and Lady Adaline are gone as well and so is the carpet."There was nothing Merlin could have said to excuse that.

„Have you found out how to defeat this thing yet." The blond asked hoping there was something going well at the moment.

„Well... Yes, but" Merlin began nervously.

„What? What is it?" The other pushes.

„Just to warn you, you won't like it."

„Spit it out already."




„There must be another way."

„I'm afraid there isn't."

A slight breeze goes trough the chambers, but goes unnoticed by the present.

„Maybe Gwen was successful, and the sorcerers left, noticing their plan was ruined." It was obvious Arthur didn't trust his own words, but needing magic to save Camelot meant his kingdom was defenseless.

With a loud crash the window behind them falls shut and everyone, even the brave knight flinches, you could still hear the wind whistle trough multiple gaps, before it flew open again shortly after with the same loud noise, sending a cold wind through the room, causing a few loose papers to flow up in the air.

(I just want to mention that my door made a noise, because of the wind right now and I jumped so hard)

Arthur runs over to the, now again closed, window. He pushed against it's cold glass, and locked it. He took a look outside, the leaves shiver in the wind and the branches bow to it. The wind is pulling on peoples clothes showing them around.

„I might have an idea what spirit they summoned." Merlin said, Arthur hadn't heard him stepping next to him.

„I'll get the knights." The king decides, he turned to leave but his servant held him back.

„Did you even listen to me?"

„I did but there is no way we can get a sorcerer powerful enough, we got no time to look for one."

Merlin stepped from one foot to the other „Merlin..." Gaius said worried, knowing what he will suggest.

„I know someone." He then said looking straight into Arthurs eyes.

„And how are we supposed to get them?" Arthurs raised his voice, out the window.

„He's already in Camelot." Merlin still doesn't break the eye contact, he needed Arthur to trust him with this.

„A sorcerer? In Camelot?" His voice was lowered again in confusion „You could be dead for even knowing that, Merlin"

At this Merlin finally looked away „He can help, please Arthur, trust me."

Arthur sighed, he had no choice, it was the only way to keep Camelot safe, to keep everyone he loved safe. To keep Merlin safe.

„Who is he? Where do I find him?" He then asked, giving in.

„I will get him, I'm sure he wouldn't like you to know, for obvious reasons." Merlin still hasn't looked up into Arthur eyes, he hated this. All the lies, he wished he could just be honest with the one he loved most „You just get the people inside, no one should leave their house ."

„Since when are you the one giving orders?" Arthur tried to release the tension but Merlin felt all his worry, all his fear combined in a numb feeling around his wrist. Everytime Arthur tried to be brave for others, Merlin could had this feeling.
He smiled but didn't comment on it.

Arthur walked over to the door but turned to Merlin again „Promise me you get somewhere save, as soon as you found the sorcerer."

Merlin nods „I would like you to promise me something as well." he waited to be sure he still got the kings attention „If you somehow see him, promise me, don't execute him, he will leave Camelot after his work is done, if thats your wish" He had a bad feeling about what's coming, and he knew his feelings could be trusted.

„Will you tell me who it is?"

He hesitated „It's.. not my story to tell." He lied „Just promise me, please."

„I promise."

Arthur smiled and Merlin couldn't help but smile as well and somehow that made the numb feeling on his wrist, just a little, weaker.

••━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

There was a lot more planned for this chapter, but I thought this is a nice way to end it, but the next chapter is already planned out, so you don't need to wait for long.

I btw got really cool ideas for a body swap fanfiction, but fanfics like these have been made so often already (just like soulmate AUs oops)
Well let's finish this thing first.

See ya!

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