Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"Lena," Lyle calls out from my doorway and I look up from the mountain of papers for the expose around me. Making a motion for him to come in, he sits in one of the chairs across from me and grabs a few pages to see confirmations for food and the banners.

"The designers are doing an amazing job as always, these look fantastic," Lyle says and I smile in response, "How do you get them to always knock it out of the park?" He asks me curiously and I smirk and grab my phone.

'I tell them what I want, and let them go wild but I always leave them with the same parting sentence,' I text him.

"What's that?"

'If they want to do it differently than what I want, make it so good I can't say no.'


'It hasn't failed me yet. They are all so talented and hard-working,'

"Clearly, I love the patterning," he mumbles but I can feel his gears grinding. Giving him a look of 'what do you want he gives me a flat smile and chews on his lip in response.

Pulling more papers, I start organizing them and writing down the things I need to finish before I run rounds tonight. The list goes on and on but Lyle has been helping me hack away at things as well as handling some of Alexander's paperwork.

"Hadley's old company is trying to sue her again, Click texted Faith, who texted me," Lyle says with a sigh.

'I'll need her old contract and whatever they sent to her apartment,' I text him and he hands it all to me. Thumbing through everything, I grit my teeth at how garbage this contract is, the writing is poor, but I stop when I see a few clauses. Hadley must have pushed to have had these added, and they should protect her from what they are suing her for. It would be an interesting case to argue but I know enough people who would love to sink their teeth into a cooperate case like this one.

'Then I'll sue them back on her behalf, she protected herself. The wording in the contract here clearly is her doing and they signed off on it,'

"They are trying to argue that the approval didn't go through the proper chain of command. But that isn't hers or our problem," Lyle says annoyed and I grab a new folder and throw her documents into and shoot off a few emails.

"Are you really going to sue them back?" Lyle asks me and I see the thrill in his eyes, we both love to go after companies that don't know their place. It's something we really shouldn't take any joy in.

'Yes, I've got about three different things we can counter sue for. Hopefully, that's enough to make them drop the case. If not, I will get Macie and someone I know locally to represent it and they will be destroyed in court. No one sues my sister and gets away with it,' I text him back and he gives me a toothy grin.

'This is why we make such good friends," Lyle says and I playfully snap my teeth at him which makes him laugh.

"Also, I started pulling strings to try and get some car people at the expose," Lyle says and I throw my hands up excitedly. I know no one in the automotive industry and it's been like nails on a chalkboard trying to get through to anyone worth anything. That's normally Alexander's job to handle.

"Hey Lena, oh hello Lyle," Camila says as she enters the small office. Nodding, she knows she has my attention.

"You wanted a run-down of everything right? Lil said you had time this afternoon," Camila says and I nod and grab my things. My to-do list can wait, I need to do this first.

"I'll join you," Lyle says and as we ride the elevator down, I feel underdressed standing next to him. Lyle is always in a suit, and normally I am too, but something about this last week has made it impossible for me to force myself into one. Nice jeans and blouses are about all I can tolerate.

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