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The Fluffiest of Epilogues

Three Years Later

"Mom, can you read Elodie and me this story? The words are hard to pronounce and I want to hear you say them," Lyric calls out to me as I change into my pajamas. Avi and I just got back from running rounds and Faith was so kindly our babysitter for the evening. She and Orion are so good with the kids and I am thankful for them every day.

"Lena! Macie's pregnant again," Avi says shocked as she walks in with our newest bundle of joy on her hip.

"Get out! That was so fast," I say surprised. She tosses me her phone and I see the photos from her ultrasound.

"I still can't believe her are Grey are parents," Avi says scrunching her face as she soothes our little Zaylee.

"I can't believe it either," I say.

About two years ago I received a slightly frantic call from Macie admitting that she and Greyson had a drunken one-night stand. To say I was shocked was a massive understatement, but the biggest shock of all is when Macie ended up pregnant. She and Greyson decided to go forward with the pregnancy and they are co-parenting through it. A few months ago, Macie mentioned that they might try to have a second child because this was working out and they wanted their kids to be related, and that she thought becoming a father really changed Greyson.

"We need to send chocolate and flowers tomorrow," I say to Aviva and she nods and smiles. I see the faintest wrinkles starting to form around the corner of her eyes as she smiles, it's the only sign that she is even aging, I swear. I have already found quite a few grey hairs but they don't bother me that much. If grey hair is what means I get to grow old with the woman I love and have a beautiful family, then I would go grey right now.

"Oh Zaylee, why are you so fussy," Avi whispers as she bounces are almost newborn. Zaylee is barely four months old, but we already know she is a metahuman. Her dark skin is patterned with almost white patches, the doctor says that she has vitiligo and possibly albinism that would explain the blonde streaks in her hair. As I look into her pale eyes, I hope we can give her everything she needs to grow into a wonderful and independent adult.

"Mommy?" Elodie asks.

"Yes?" Aviva and I answer before we all laugh. I see the book in Elodie's hands and remember that Lyric asked me to read to them. Grabbing our five-year-old from the floor, she easily climbs onto my back as I grab my water from the counter. Dropping onto the couch, I braid Elodie's messy ginger hair out of her face and she beams up at me with her dark brown eyes and big cheeks.

"Alright, who's ready?" I ask as Lyric snuggles into my side as I crack open the chapter book.

Lyric and Elodie are almost five years apart but they both love this one young adult series about metahumans so we've been reading it as a family. Aviva continues to pace in the kitchen while feeding Zaylee as I dive back into another chapter. Reading the tale to my two girls, the world feels so at peace as they lean over also trying to read the pages. I stop and let Lyric repeat words back to me so that she can learn how to pronounce them and Elodie mimics her older sister wanting to learn too.

"One more chapter, please!" Elodie asks and I make a face.

"Fine, but your big sis needs to read this one," I say as I pull Elodie into my lap and give Lyric the book.

"You'll help me with the big words, right?" Lyric asks and I feel Avi taking a picture of us and shoot her a playful look as she masterfully handles our little Zaylee.

"Of course," I say.

Lyric takes a turn reading and she stumbles over some of the bigger words but chugs through the chapter, proudly being able to read the big girl book to her little sister. Lyric has always adored being a big sister and is constantly trying to help with Elodie and Zaylee and I could not ask for a more wonderful child. She gives every day her best and is the most adorable thing in the world, we truly have to restrain ourselves from spoiling our kids rotten.

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