Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

After I finally drug myself off of the floor, I hit the gym in my building hard. The playlist that Hadley made me just continues to play in my ears as I breeze around the top floor. I confirm the news outlets that will be attending the day after tomorrow and personally work and reworking all of the centerpieces in the conference room on the floor below us.

I spend far too long rearranging the pieces, but when I look back at the reference's photos, I have from the last time we used them, I smile to myself. Replacing two of the pieces and shifting the arrangement did a lot of good and I wouldn't even be able to tell that they were recycled. Tossing some of the plastic bits in the recycling receptacle I feel good about not creating too much extra waste in the effort of wanting to seem professional and polished.

Rearranging everything so that only half the table is being used, I see a slew of email notifications on my watch and flip open my laptop before collapsing into a chair. Kicking my feet up onto the table, my laptop rests easily in my lap. Skimming through things, my anger starts to simmer as I see more bullshit emails from our shareholders.

Trying to entertain their pathetic excuse for micromanagement, my watch blinks at me and I realize that my heart rate has shot up. They never behave this way with Alexander, they only ever do this kind of crap when he is out of the office and when they think they can get away with it.

Opening the final email from Terrance, it takes everything I have no smash the table in half. He has sent me links for how to function without the CEO being in the office or what to do when there is a transition in power. Grabbing my phone, my thumbs smash onto the keyboard and I text Lyle enraged. If I tell him I need to be talked off a cliff, he will do his best to help me.

I try to focus on a few other emails when Orion and Lyle appear in the doorway. I forward Lyle all of the bullshit and his phone dings and he starts reading. His face immediately scrunches as he starts skimming everything.

"Are you okay, Cathleen?" Orion asks me worried and I give him a small smile. He has a heart of gold, he cares so much about everyone around him, especially Faith.

I shake my head no and notice that Lyle has gone red in the face and his teeth have clenched slightly as he aggressively scrolls on his phone. Orion gives me a curious look and I pull up the email in full-screen mode and let him read it. I watch as rage slowly creeps into his features and his breathing becomes deeper. When his gaze meets mine again, I am worried that I triggered him.

"Are you shitting me? What kind of pathetic excuse for a shareholder would send you this bullshit when you are worried about your CO-CEO?" He seethes and I take my laptop back from him and put both hands firmly on his shoulders worried.

"I'm okay Cathleen, nothing happened but me wanting to smash that prick's head into the wall," Orion says and I keep looking into his eyes looking for validation that nothing did indeed happen. I know Orion and Faith can tell when their disorder is active and present, but I am still learning these things. Faith's is easier because it is only one other identity but Orion has had it happen few times before without me noticing.

"I promise I am okay Lena," he says softly and he gives me the same cheeky smirk he always gives Faith when he teasing her about something. I let go of him and lean back into the seat. He glances over at Lyle who is pinching the bridge of his nose and doing some deep breathing.

"I just need a moment, I have never seen such a blatant disrespect of authority and someone's incredibly stellar track record in my life," Lyle grinds out angrily. I watch as he tips his head back and breathes in and out. Orion and I share a look and he almost looks amused.

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