Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Two Years Later

Straightening out the lapels of Avi's blazer, she smiles at me and the crowd bustling around us almost seems to disappear. Lyric beams up at us and we both pull her into a massive hug which makes her burst into a fit of laughter.

"Can I go play?" She asks us and I reattach the magnetic headphones around her neck and straighten out the straps of her fancy jumper.

"Of course, remember to stay with your cousins," Avi says in a firm tone, and Lyric nods before darting through the crowd over to the play area we have set up for the children.

Pulling my wife into a side hug, we look out at the massive crowd of people but the thing that catches my eyes is the massive balloons that spell out one trillion. They are silver and incredibly reflective to the point we were afraid they could be a hazard. Spotting Lyle with Devyn, they are both dressed to the nines. It's not every day a company hits a trillion dollars in net worth and we are throwing an absolutely massive party to celebrate. If we hadn't bought the two buildings surrounding us and connected them, I am not quite sure where we would have has the space to hold this.

"You always throw the best parties," Devyn says as she gives me a hug and Avi and Lyle fist bump.

"Someone has to," I say with a snort before reaching up to fix the styled ponytail I had Adaley do. She helped all of us with our hair and gave us some new products to try with Lyric's hair, nothing seems to work to tame her curls.

"How's Lyric?" Lyle asks as he looks around for our little girl.

"Excited, she's been bouncing off the walls all week talking about how her mommies' are throwing the best party ever," Avi says and she squeezes my hand.

"She just started school, right?" Devyn asks and we both nod.

"She's doing amazing, she's making friends and she loves being in the classroom with other kids," I say and they both smile at me.

It took almost a year to help Lyric learn how to not freak out without her music. She's been in therapy since the month we signed the paperwork and she goes to an office on a lower level that specializes in children's psychology. After we were finally able to break that barrier with her, she started to blossom, she wanted to learn to play music, she wanted to learn gymnastics, she wanted to go to school with all the other kids. We have given her everything we possibly can so she can do those things and she never ceases to surprise us.

"That's so wonderful!" Devyn squeals and Click and Cabe appear next to me.

"She doesn't know, right?" I ask Click quietly and she smiles and winks at me in return.

"Aren't you adopting another child next week?" Cabe asks curiously and I beam.

"We are meeting her next week yes, her name is Elodie; Nolan thinks she would be a great fit with our family and I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited," I say and I glance back at Avi who has the same look in her eyes. Now that Lyric is settling into a more traditional schedule, we agreed that it might not be a bad time to look into adopting another. Lyric has also been pestering us about wanting to be a big sister since we adopted her.

"You two are disgustingly adorable," Devyn teases and we all laugh.

"Where are Xander and Hadley?" Lyle asks and I look around not spotting them.

"It's too soon, they should be here," I say as I spot them both walking over with Orion and Faith.

"Everyone's here! We need a group picture," Devyn says and we wave over the photographer and pile into the frame together. All of the current Voyager employees also pose for some publicity photos and he shows them to me quickly, I can't help but to shake my head. This is everything I could have ever dreamed of.

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