Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"How was your weekend?" Alexander asks me as he pushes his desk chair in and rearranges the far side of my desk so he can work.

"It was quiet, Avi and I worked out together and we ended up just watching a few movies and I didn't check my emails all day Saturday," I say proudly and he gives him his stellar smile.

"Look at you finally finding a balance between work and home," he says and it isn't patronizing in the way Hadley would say it, it's genuine and I appreciate his comment.

"I want to be a mom, I want to have a family with Avi and the only thing standing in our way is me proving that I can balance the two," I say genuinely and Xander nods.

"Maybe one day," he muses and his eyes soften.

"Do you know if Hadley even wants kids?" I ask him as pull my feet up onto my chair and kick off my heels.

"She's not opposed to it, but she's made it clear that she isn't ready to think about kids and marriage yet. She's still adjusting back to everything," he says and I nod. That makes sense, I am glad they can talk about that maturely.

"Alright, let's get this mess cleaned up," I say as I gesture to the stack of paperwork in the middle.

Alexander and I spend hours going through everything, approving projects. We do a conference call with Lyle and talk finances for a while, our stocks have been doing great so we want to make sure everything is being allocated appropriately and that we aren't overspending. It's so easy to do that with the massive projects we have running right now.

As the sun starts to dip down later in the day, Alexander is squinting to see with the sun in his eyes and ends up sitting on the floor hiding from the light. We talk easily as we power through everything and when I look down at him, I can't help but smile. I don't know how I could ever do this without him. This was his dream for so long as a kid, his passion is infectious and it makes me work even harder. I want this company to succeed for him, for Aviva, for all of our amazing employees.

I kept building companies up and selling them off because I never felt like I truly belonged there, I felt like I was temporary, that they didn't need me and that I hadn't found the one place I truly wanted to work. When Alexander admitted that he was leaving Caspian, as much as I loved Lyle, I jumped at the opportunity to run a business with him. Alexander has always been the exciting voice of logic in my life, and I missed having him around and there was no better time to start Voyager together.

My smile softens as I think about Aviva, she was our claim to fame, her work is everywhere and everyone knows her name. But as genius as the idea was, the marketing and leg work Alexander did on her behalf is the reason it happened. He never stops finding ways to promote our employees.

"What are you smiling about?" His voice asks, cutting me out of my train of thought. He stood up and I didn't even notice.

"I am just so thankful to be able to work with you and Aviva. Voyager is just such an amazing company," I say sincerely and I blush at how sappy I sound.

"It's a labor of love, and taking you up on starting it was the best choice I ever made, well minus asking Hadley to be my girlfriend again," he says with a cheeky grin and I laugh. He's never stopped loving her, I can only imagine the euphoria of having her back.

"I know, I am just that fantastic," Hadley draws from the doorway and I smile at her and she returns it. Kass's words drift through my mind and I try to not stress about talking to her.

"Egotistical much?" I taunt her and she narrows her eyes smirking.

"I mean someone has to have a bigger ego than you," she says snarkily and Alexander tugs her bag off her shoulder and rolls his chair back into his office before grabbing his backpack. I pack up my things knowing that Avi and I have to run rounds tonight.

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