Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"The family position we think would be best suited for... Hadley," my mom said softly but her voice was firm, "In addition to that, we think that when she becomes of age, that she should take over as team leader," my mom continued and I could see the pride in her eyes as she looked at my sister. Hadley has always been the golden child, even with her constant scheming! She has my mom's powers and is even stronger than we ever imagined, she never hesitates on anything. Her confidence is disgustingly contagious.

Rage exploded through my veins and I saw nothing but red. An audible noise escaped through my mouth as I stormed out of the room and slammed the door to the stairwell open. Kicking the second door open, I screamed. I wanted to feel anything that wasn't the addicting rage building inside me. How?! How had I not been enough? I gave this team everything!

"Lena!" Her voice called out to me as the winds whipped around us violently. The barrier didn't protect this area from any of the crazy weather patterns that hit New York.

"Go away!" I screamed at her. The anger was intoxicatingly dangerous, I didn't want to be near anyone, I wanted to seethe by myself. I wanted to burn the world down around me. I needed to do something to make this feeling go away. I needed to destroy something. But I can't be near someone and do that, I need to stay away.

"Lena! I didn't know!" She called out to me as I finally spun around. The distress in her eyes seemed so fake, I could hear her laughter and see her signature smirk in my head. She doesn't care! She has never cared! She's lying!

"Of course, you knew! You know everything! You are the perfect child! You should have told me to quit while I was ahead! I am a disgrace! I am a monster and you made me believe I could be anything but that!" I screamed at her. Her expression didn't match her mocking voice in my head.

"Lena, you are not a monster. How many times do I have to tell you that your power is simply the opposite of mine; which is normal because the metagene mutates all the time!" She yells back and she stalks closer. It was harder to hear her and focus as the adrenaline pounded through my veins, my heartbeat roared in my ears as I become drunk off the wrath.

"You told me I would get it; I worked every day for that position! I trained just as hard as you! I trained just as hard as everyone else!" I screamed at her but I couldn't see anymore. The stream of tears poured so violently down my face they ruined my vision. My throat burned and my eyes stung from the wind and I couldn't see. I just heard her snickering behind my back and saw that stupid twinkle in her eyes when she was up to something.

"I thought you would get it! You are the oldest child after all and I certainly can't teleport on a dime! Now, will you calm down and come inside! It's freezing out here you idiot!" She yelled back at me, but she was losing steam. But I was not done, and I wasn't cold. I needed to calm down, the anger was blinding me. Isn't that what Benjamin used to tell me as a child? But he cared so much less about my problems as Hadley grew. She was his golden child too; she was everything his sons couldn't seem to be. It was all her fault!

"You lied to me, I trusted you Hades!" I continued to scream as a sense of hysteria started to build inside my chest. Breathing became impossible and I felt like I am sucking through a straw to get even the tiniest amount of air. My lungs ached and a burning sensation built in my chest.

"I never lied to you Lena, I believed in you with everything I have. I am sorry that you didn't get the family position," she said but her voice was too soft.

"No! No, you aren't sorry! You always wanted this for yourself! You lead me on only to watch me burn!" I screamed at her and I could barely focus on anything but breathing. I couldn't feel my feet but I knew I was stumbling backward. The winds continued to grow harsher and my body was too weak to fight them.

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