Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Alexander is working on setting everything up as Hadley watches him confused. We haven't spilled the news of what we found out this afternoon yet, we are waiting for all three teams to be present. I watch as he fiddles with the computer and I tip my head upside down as I watch Avi do a perfect ariel cartwheel into a backflip.

"Ten out of ten, she never misses," I attempt to joke and she gives me a small smile before walking over to me. She stares down at me and I can see the questions buzzing in her eyes.

"I promise we'll explain everything soon," I say trying to be soothing and she sighs. She can tell something is bothering me and I know she's going to hate hearing this.

"Hey," Greyson says and Macie follows him into the room. We wait for the other two but someone says they're on patrol right now and I nod. It seems like Greyson and Macie have been arriving together more, but they do work on the other side of the country together. They start pulling up chairs and I space out thinking about the footage and trying to put all the pieces together in my head.

"Earth to Lena," Grey says and he knocks on my head.

"What's up?" I ask him confused.

"I have off Friday afternoon, stop by the tower and we can talk," he says softly and I sigh and nod. I don't know which one of them told him but I am thankful I don't have to ask.

"I have a feeling this isn't a social call," Mason's voice drifts through the room and I see that there is an extra boy and Zana isn't here.

"Where's Zana?" Calikta asks as she, Cabe, and Orion appear.

"She's got the dinner shift but we promise to relay everything back to her," Akeno says and I see a Maverick case on the tablet in his hand. I stare at the extra boy for a moment.

"Levi!" I finally say and the boy gives a shy smile.

"I hope it's okay I am here," he says and his voice is much softer than his twins. I can see the nerves coursing through him as he shifts gently back and forth.

"Of course it's okay; you've been helping the team a lot," Aviva says and I give him a reassuring smile even though I had no clue. I need to catch up on our files soon, it's been so easy to fall behind considering Aviva and Hadley handle everything now.

"He has?" I ask super quietly as Aviva moves to take her seat next to me. I easily pull her into my lap, and she flushes red. We are incredibly chaste in public settings but I have a feeling she's going to need a hug after this.

"Yes, he's made amazing strides in his treatment and wanted to help," she mumbles and I just about barely catch it. Alexander raises an eyebrow at us and I try to smirk but it falls flat as he shoes Hadley to a seat. I can see the frustration mounting on her face.

The room falls quiet as he pulls up the live footage, he plays it for everyone and the cacophonous sound of shouts of distress is instant. I tighten my grip on Avi and her back completely tenses, I wish I could help more.

"What the actual hell are we watching?!" Hadley yells, and I wrap my hand around her arm and keep her seated. She gives me a death glare but I won't release her until she takes a deep breath.

"Let me finish and you'll find out love," Alexander says meekly. No one wanted to be the one to give this news but he lost the coin toss.

He launches into the timeline of everything and then starts talking about the medical reports and Greyson looks almost offended when he is handed them. I have one of them in my hand and I can't make hind nor tales of it. Grey starts spewing curse words mixed with exclamations of confusion and all of Circa city crowds around another file and with scrunched brows and baffled expressions.

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