Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

When my watch starts dinging at me, a sense of dread fills my stomach as I strip in my office and take off towards the location listed. If it is another giant robot I am going to scream, and if it is Via, I am going to pitch her straight into a building and hope she doesn't react in time to stop herself from breaking her neck. Landing right behind Click and Orion I am surprised when there is an eighteen-car pile-up. As we all spring into action I am astonished by the sheer volume of cars and chaos. What happened?

Click and I start checking for survivors and who the worst injured are and Orion starts transporting people with ease. Unsurprisingly, Cabe pulls up onto the scene with his ambulance crew and I help move people off to the side and I am surprised with how easy it is to take the full weight of some of the men. I am down over ten pounds now but I am thankful to still be maintaining my strength. Orion reappears and I grab him as a car completely goes up in flames.

"I got her!" Click screams as she retches the back door open and grabs the little girl who was next on our list. Click hands the little redhead to me and I put her on my hip and hold her head up as I look for her parents. The little girl is out cold and I am thankful, sometimes kids can be scared of my shadows, and when I finally spot a woman being held back by the police. Checking the little girl's pulse, I stare down Cabe and he jogs over to me. I point out who I think the girl's parents are and they start screaming and waving at us and I know we have found the correct family. Gently handing him the little girl he gives me a reassuring smile and has the parents join him.

"Fire is out," another voice says and I see Amber has appeared. Orion must have grabbed her considering we don't have Avi to put it out.

"Thank you," Click says to her as I grab another unconscious person from the car. Checking their pulse, I count as I carry them and find it to be fairly low. Clenching my teeth together I whistle and another EMT comes and grabs them from me.

Slowly but surely, everyone has been handled by the seven ambulances that pulled up or were taken straight to the nearest ER. Orion disappears with Amber and Click and I take off into the skies back towards the tower. When we arrive back, I am tired but thankful that it was nothing super serious. I was not mentally ready to handle another catastrophic bombing, or Via; or a robot because we always get roasted for wrecking the road.

Plopping down onto the couch, I release my shadows and breath for a moment. Typing away on the detached keyboard, I continue the draft of the report from everything that happened today. Click and Orion are writing their events on their phones and they will submit them before they leave. Trying to type out everything so that it is coherent, I slouch backward into the couch. My brain feels fried from all of the event planning and the words start to blur together.

"I am off to Faith's show. If you need anything just call me," Orion says and I wave goodbye to him and stare at the half-written report in despair.

"You think writing these would get easier," Click grumbles and I snort. Clearing my throat, the dull ache returns for a moment before I am left with the feeling of it staying tense.

"I know I have only been doing it for a few months, but I never know what to write and somehow something is always out of order," she whines slightly and the corners of my lips turn up slightly. I reach over and pat her knee. She lies down on the couch and holds the phone over her head and I can see her face is scrunched up.

'Start by listing out the events that happened in bullets and then expand upon them,' I text her, and her phone dings and echo's around the empty room. It's still weird to think that this is our normal right now. I have barely spoken to Click before all of this and weirdly, I am thankful I have gotten to know her a bit more.

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