The Council

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Soooooooo ummmm yea, I'm not dead, this book IS continued especially since it's Summer break. PLUS my motivation is sky rocketing since I've rewatched the og beyblade (metal fury was my all time favorite of the series 💖) and beyblade burst turbo. So enjoy the meal I have displayed -w- Also this is picking up from the Bromance chapter so we're back on track to the main storyline now 😁

Valt's POV
As Me, Xander, Shu, and Free are all walking ahead, I can't help but look back at Aiger and that boy he's talking to. I don't know what this feeling is but for some reason I feel like pretending he doesn't exist when he so close to that adorable Cherry head!

"Hey Buddy, did ya hear me? Valt?" Xander said trying to get my attention. I snap out of my delusion hearing his voice. "H-huh? I'm sorry can you repeat what you I wasn't paying attention." Xander sighed. "Yeah I noticed. What's got you all worked up Wonder boy?
You look really tense."

This time it was my turn to sigh. "I dunno...
I-It's just that watching that guy get so close to Aiger is just making me feel...upset I guess? I dunno know what the word is but I just want him to back away a bit...." I said puffing cheeks.
Xander's mouth widened for a second before a cat like smirk appeared on his face, sending shivers down my spine.

"Ohhhhhh~ I get it nowww~ Looks like my little blueberry friend is jealous of my protege~" Xander said, teasing bending next to my ear and poking my shoulder playfully. I felt my face heat up a little. "E-Eh!? M-me? J-Jealous of- wait- THAT KID IS YOUR PROTEGE?!" I whispered yelled trying not to catch Free and Shu's attention.

Xander nodded with a smug smile on his face. "Why didn't you tell me this before? And why didn't you tell me he was going with us? I didn't see him with you when you got to my house!" I interrogated, crossing my arms and puffing my cheeks a bit.

"Awwww Valt! Don't worry about Xavier stealing your fire ball over there!'ve always got me to keep you company right?~" Xander said, whispering the last part directly in my ear, making me shiver. My face felt hot with embarrassment, I seriously can't stand when he teases like this....UGHHHH!! I CANT TAKE HIM ANYWHERE!!

"H-hey! Back up! You're too close to my ear ya know! God! You really tease too much..stupid " I sighed as I put my hands on his cheeks trying to push him away. But before ether of us can say another word, Aiger, Shu, and Free are glaring at Xander with a menacing red glint in the eyes as they glare gold daggers at him.

"YoUng MaN...wHAt dO yoU thInK yoUrE doInG?...." Shu said in a dark tone. "YOuVe anGered thE cOunCil...." Aiger spoke in the same tone. "dO noT mAKe uS sUmmOn  thE VaLt prOtectIon SqUad uPon yOuRe delisIoNal SOUL." For some unknown random (ass) reason, Free's voice echoed and his hair was flying up like he was about to go even further beyond.

The color from Xander's face disappeared for a good 4 hours while we were sitting on a bench when we finally got to the park.

Fortunately for me, Aiger started to pay more attention to me! He sat next to me and clinged to my arm as we watched Free and Shu have a bey battle in the stadium in front of the bench we were sitting on.

I look to my left to se Xavier trying to comfort Traumatized Xander by rubbing his back softly and talking to him. But this time...I didn't get upset when Xavier was around Xander. I didn't mind those two being close. I didn't want them to separate.

I felt Aiger tug on my arm as he let out an annoyed puff, grumbling. "I can't believe that Oger did such a Pervy thing to such an innocent blue bean....damn jerk.."

Huh. Maybe I was jealous after all......

I'll continue to Valts mom's party after this chapter also I'm late as hell when I say this but it's better late than never. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

We also have a small message from Free and Shu! 😄
Shu: Come on you have say it with me.
Free: Hell no what are we? 5?
Shu: Say it or your sleeping with the deers tonight.
Free: I thought you get jealous when I sleep outside with my deer?~
Free: (😶💧) ok..
Shu: Thank you!! Now...3...2...1..

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