Another plot twist

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Aiger's POV
Valt came out the store panting like a dog. I glared him down since HE LEFT ME Outside in this heat for 45 minutes! "I-I'm sorry Aiger! I kinda got lost looking for the pineapples!" Valt said rubbing the back of his neck. He wiped his face with his shirt and you could CLEARLY see he had a six pack and his sweat was rolling down each crevice of his abs. You know looking at him all sweaty like this...He's looks so HOT!

I keep staring at him blushing like a moron, without realizing he was done wiping his face and giving me a confused look with a small smile. "Hehe..Hey Aiger my eyes are up here! Whatcha staring at?" Valt said laughing a bit looking down at me.

"I-I w-was just a bit distracted..." I say snapping back into reality, Looking down at the ground. "What were you looking at?" He's asks giggling a bit. My face turns tomato red I thought of so many dirty things I could've told him. "Y-Your A-Abs!" I ended up blurting out by accident. Valt just stared at me and just speed walked past me carrying my drawstring bad over his shoulders, leaving me with the pineapples.

Oh man!! I hope I didn't confuse him or upset him or anything! I know Valt wouldn't hate me, for sure. Valt loves everyone whether they like him or not.

Valt's POV
I'm blushing sooo hard right now! 'I can't believe Aiger actually was said that!! I already knew that he was staring at me! But I didn't think he'd actually admit to it!' I thought as I speed walked away covering my mouth while carrying Aiger's bag on my shoulder.

As we both walk in silence, we reach my house. I sigh in relief and regain some of my enthusiasm to turn around and exclaim excitedly to Aiger, "This is my home! Welcome Aiger!" I say smiling cheerfully. Aiger looks at the house impressed probably because he had a different image of my house.

I open the door, (Since Nika knew we were on our way and I knew I left my keys at the dorm probably) and I tell Aiger to take of his shoes at the door after he closes it as I snatch the pineapple from him and hurried to the kitchen.
Aiger's POV
He snatched the pineapple from my hand....he could've just asked right? I'm still confused on what he's rushing for. As I take off my shoes at the door I look around and to my left I see a giant Cake,  ingredients and flour scattered everywhere.

I take the time while everyone else is distracted, to go upstairs. I walk down the up stairs hallway, I see a bathroom to my left and diagonal to my right a bedroom with a light blue door.

It Must be Valt room! He wouldn't mind if I walked in right? Right! I opened the door to be greeted by a comfy atmosphere and the sun hitting my face from his window. "Wow, his room is actually quite clean." I sit at the edge of his bed and flop down, laying on my back.

"It's super Comfortable! Or maybe I'm just being biased." I say as I stare at the ceiling. "Aiger! I know you're in my room! Come downstairs, I want you to meet some people!" I hear Valt yell from downstairs. "Okay!" I yell back as I jump off the bed running downstairs.

My mouth drops as I look at the two people standing at the door. "Aiger, these are my best friends! Free and Shu!" Holy Crap...

Free's POV
I was standing next to Shu in the doorway when we both spotted a fiery red head with turquoise colored eyes running down the stairs, then immediately stopped once he recognized the two of us.

We both make eye contact and for some reason he has a slight blush on his face and he shifts his eyes away awkwardly. I raised my eyebrow in confusion "Ummm, Hi?" I said. "H-Hi, my name is Aiger Akabane, Its nice too meet you both." as I thought 'he's definitely weird. he nervous?.'

I ignore him and turn my attention back to Valt whose eyes are literally glimmering with excitement. "Hello Aiger, My name is Shu Kurenai nice to meet ya!" I hear Shu say walking up to,wait what's his name? Oh yeah, Aiger. And given him a firm handshake.

"Awww! Look at my three amigos getting along!" I shift my eyes to the left to see Valt squealing with both of his hands on his cheeks. Hmph, Typical Valt. "Yes we're getting along very well." I hear Shu say and in one sly move, he kisses Aiger's hand like he was a princess or something.

"Shuuuu! You bastard!" Valt exclaimed hitting Shu's back and punching his arm."What? What I'd do?" "You know what you did! You can't just go around doing things like that you sly jerk!" Ok I'm out. As I begin to walk away I shift my eyes to where Aiger was standing. We both make eye contact again but this time before he's out of my vision I smile and mouth the words 'Free de la Hoya'

Aiger's POV 
When Free left to what I'm assuming is the living room, he winked at me the spilt second before he was out of vision. Why is everyone acting flirty today? After Valt was done beating up Shu, we all went to the living room, where we spot Free leaning on the couch and with his eyes closed.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys that my boyfriend and his protégé is also coming over for the sleep over!" The whole room went silent, even Free's eyes shot open and everyone stared shocked at Valt. "What?" Valt stared at us all confused. "You said you have a freaking boyfriend, Valt." Shu said with a hint of anger in his voice. Valt thinks for a second, and then his face heats up very quickly to the point where his face look like my hair color. "Wh-What?! N-nononono! You've got it all wrong! I-I didn't mean to say boyfriend! I meant-!" Valt got caught off by a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Nika said from the kitchen running to the door. When she opened it....Everyone's eyes widen..

Valt's POV
"Hey Valt!" I Looked at the door and gasped! I ran to the Door and jumped into the person's arms shower his cheeks with kisses. "Xander!!"

Yeah ok cliffhanger you're welcome don't ask me about why I added Xander in this but just to clear the record...Xander is NOT Valt's boyfriend. Just wait and you'll understand completely, and NO THEY AREN'T FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS ETHER. Just be patient. Ight imma head out!
See ya later! 😁😁😁👌

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