My day with him pt:1

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Aiger's POV
Ughh! Sooo much learning! It hurts my head! I'm still jealous that Naru only has five classes, while I'm stuck with six! But at least it's Friday and it's the end of the day.

I have two more Classes: Geography and Gym. I'm so excited to be back in Valt's Class again! I always feel sad whenever we have to be separated.

You may not know this but, we sit next to each other in the Classes we're in together, we sit in the second row closest to the back, and to be honest...he's actually really funny.

He always falls asleep halfway in Math Class, but stays wide awake Geography because Valt said that the teacher is crazy. He's super adorable when he sleeps. I sometimes glance at him during math class.

"Hey Aiger! Did ya hear me?" I realized that I was in Geography Class and we were supposed to be taking notes. Usually Valt asks me for some of the notes and to explain them since he doesn't pay attention sometimes, because he's 'thinking.'

When actually I know he's just Zoning out. Valt was still staring at me looking for answer. "Ok the distributions of land use, and-" "Wait hold on Aiger, that's not what asked you." Valt chuckles a bit in between words. "H-huh?" I asked in confusion.

"You're so silly! I asked you if you wanted to stay at my house for the weekend, you know so you can meet my mom!" Valt whispers excitedly. I blush at the way it sounds. Is the only reason he wants me to go is so I can meet his mom?

"Do you just want me to meet your mom and leave? Because that seems like the only reason want me to go there.." I whisper while pretending to look at the board so the teacher wouldn't get suspicious.

Valt quietly chuckles and then looks me. "Of course not just for that, silly! I thought I could get to know you better without school in the way." I blush at the fact that he actually care about me enough to invite me to his house.

"W-wow y-you must really care about me don't you?" I ask with a small smile. He smiles back and said. "Of course! you wanna go?" "I'd love to, but what about Naru?" I've already told him about me, Naru and my family. Turns out that Valt already went to get his new Valtryek made the day after we arrived here. "Oh don't worry about that! I got it planned out!" He says with a small smirk on his face.

After class was over and I finished gym I went to the dorm and took a small nap before starting my homework. Toko usually helps me with my History since I don't really understand some of
it. He's really good with History, in fact he's so good that I thought he already took this class before!

"Aiger!!!" Toko yelled at me. He's really good at helping me, but he's REALLY strict with it. I fell back in my chair and landed on the floor. "Owww.." I said rubbing my head. I look at Toko and he's just staring at me with no emotion.

"Toko?" Before I could knew it Toko had already pinned me down. "Wh-Wha?!" I blush and Toko just stared at me smiling. "You know you're really easy to catch off's kinda cute" Toko says in a slight hypnotic tone. "Wh-What do you mean?" I ask as Toko gets closer to my face.

Our faces are inches apart and for some reason I don't stop him. All of a sudden there's a knock at the door and I snap out of it while Toko answers the door looking pretty pissed off. It was Fubuki.

Toko scoffs. "Hey Toko~ How's it been with the new roommate?" Fubuki says smirking and leaning in the doorway. Toko grits his teeth and mumbles "He was fine til you show up..."
I wonder why he's so worked up about Fubuki?

Toko's POV
Ughh! Fubuki Sumine! I can't stand him!! He always teases me every time I pass him in the hallway! And it's always about how my brother shouldn't have gotten the title, just because he had a huge crush on Shu Kurnei.. I said 'had' because he's been eyeing another person..Aiger...

"Awww! Come on Toko don't be like that! I was just coming by to see how Aiger was doing.." Fubuki says barging in and walking towards Aiger. That Douche! He didn't ever ask, ughh!

"Hello Aiger" Fubuki says with a warm smile on his face. "H-Hi Fubuki Sumine.." Aiger says back looking down with a small blush on his face. Fubuki gently grabs Aiger's hand. "Please..." Fubuki softly kisses Aiger's hand. "..Just Call me Fubuki.." Aiger's face was red as he covered his mouth. He softly said "O-ok....F-Fubuki.."

At this point I'm sooo pissed off to the point where I could've kicked them both out the room! My face boiled as I said loudly "Ok ok! You've already checked up on him, it's time for you to leave now Fubuki!" I say pushing him out the room.

"H-hey!" Before he could even argue I pushed him out of the room and slammed the door in his face. "Phew.." I sigh as I lay down on my bed. I just can't stand that Fubuki Sumine...not after what he did to me..

Valt's POV
I'm sooo excited to bring Aiger to my place!! Even though I'm also really nervous because I planned a surprise for my mom and my friends will all be there to help me throw it for her!

This is just an apperception party. You know to show how much Me, Nika, and Toko really appreciate her. Plus I'm really excited for Aiger to meet my two best friends Free and Shu! This is gonna be the best weekend ever!

Free's POV
Valt Aoi...

Shu's POV
You will be mine.....

Shu and Free's POV

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