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I'm discontinuing this book mainly bc I realized it's not the fact I don't have motivation anymore, it's that I'm not really into beyblade as much as I used to be anymore. So instead of making you all wait an unnecessarily long time just for me to update something I've grown out of (which is really unfair to all of you and I apologize for) I'm just going to officially say that I'm discontinuing this so you won't be constantly be checking to see if I've updated (tbh my book ain't that popular for most of you to do that but eh).

I'm am dreadfully sorry to all of the readers who wanted to know what happens in the story but sometimes you just get tired of things. Plus my life has been...busy to say the most. Family wise. But I won't let that be an excuse.

Once again I'm sorry I hope you're all doing great tho since you've all been super supportive of this series.😁😁

See ya ✌🏾

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