I-It's just bromance guys!

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sorry I was gone for so long!!! I just wanted a break from writing stories for a while...but I'm not giving up on the story! Not anytime soon! 😁 Soo without further delay enjoy getting back to the story! 😁 (If you're confused on what's happening, I'd suggest reading the chapter titled, 'Another plot twist' uwu)

Xander's POV

I was smothered with kisses all over my face. I laughed heartily the whole time while nuzzling Valt in my arms, careful not to squeeze him too tight like I always do unconsciously. When Valt stopped I put him down. "I could tell someone missed me alot even though I just visited two weeks ago!" I chuckled. Valt pouted. "Two weeks is too long!" I grin at him.

All of a sudden I feel two menacing auras behind Valt. Whoa. Possessive. "Valt?...." I hear a sad voice say hi behind him. Valt turns around and looks at a kid with some fiery red hair. He looked like he's was about to cry. "Woah what's wrong Aige-" "Valt...is Xander your boyfriend?..." I see Valt's face go blank as the red head cut him off. His face slowly turns red. "Wh-Whaaaa?!?!? N-nooo! M-me and X-Xander? No wayyyy!" Valt says flailing his arms sheepishly.

I kneel down and wrap my arms around Valt's waist and resting my chin on his shoulder. "Awww Valt! I'm so offended! Why didn't you tell me that i'm hideous?" I say looking at him, with a small smirk on my face. "X-Xander! Y-you're not hideous..it's just..ugh! You're so embarrassing!" Valt groans covering his face with his hands.

'He's as cute as ever! Hehe!' I think in my head. I grin widely, let him go, and stand up. "Valt, be honest with us, are you dating Xander it not?" Free said, with a silent angry tone in his voice.

"N-no! We're just best friends!" Valt exclaims. I smirk. "Yup! Best friends with benefits!" Valt blushes madly and starts punching me playfully in my abs. "Xander!!!!! You know that's not trueee!" I chuckle and pat Valt's head "Hehe..I'm just joking with y'all!"

All of Valt's friends were giving me death glares. Valt noticed this. "Look! Stop glaring at Xander! He was just playing around! We always do that! Besides, why would you three care if he flirts with me or not??" Valt said with his hands on his hips. All three of them flinched and blushed brightly looking away.

Valt's POV
Ughhh! I can't believe them! They're so dramatic! And why does Xander always tease me like this?! It's super embarrassing infront of the others! Especially in front of Aiger! Ughh! So much for first impression Baka! I sigh softly. "So why are you here again? I don't remember telling you about my mom's birthday party..." I said thinking deeply.

Xander just laughed. "Dude! You really think I'd forget about your mom?! She's the one who always bandaged us both up when we would get hurt on our adventures when we were younger!" "Yeah..you two were both so wreckless!" Shu said. Scolding us both.

"Hey Valt...you said your mom won't get home until 8:00pm right?...Then why don't we all have a little fun of our own until then? We could all go to park.." Free said softly smiling a small bit "Th-that sounds like a great idea Free!" Aiger said smiling brightly. Free just smirked. "Coming from a cutie like you? I'm flattered~" he said smoothly as he walked out of the front door waiting outside for everyone, leaving Aiger sitting there with a red flustered face.

Everyone else just shrugged and followed him as A small kid walks up to Aiger. Wait...Is tha Xander's Protege??

Aiger's POV
I-I can't believe he just left me all flustered like that!!!!!! He's s-so...d-dreamy- NO!! COME ON AKABANE PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!!! You're Loyal to Valt Aoi!!! And-

"Umm...y-you okay?" Someone asks me pulling me out of my own head. "U-Uhhh! I'm fine! Hehe! Sorry I worried youuuu....wait- who are you? If you don't mind me asking.." I asked looking at him nervously. He simply giggled softly and held out his hand for me to shake. "Pardon my rudeness! My Name is Xavier Boguard. It's a pleasure to meet you!" He smiled at me. His smile...it's sooo...trustworthy..

I shake his hand and blush a bit "I-I'm Aiger Akabane...N-Nice to meet you as well Xavier.." I say shyly He all of a sudden drags me out the door to go meet up with the others while smiling at me. "Hehe! You don't have to call me that! If you want you can just call me..your prince.." He said as we were getting close behind the others.

This feeling...it's just like...with...Free...
Oh no...it's impossible...I can't be...
💓*thump thump*

See ya later!! 😁😁😁😁 Dint miss me too much!!

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