My day with him Pt:2

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Valt's POV
'I can't wait for Aiger to meet Free and Shu!' I thought as i was laying on my bed. "I guess I should go get Aiger now.." I say as I jump off my bed. As soon as I jumped off my phone started ringing.

Incoming call from: Sleepy head 😴😴🦌

"Oh! It's Free!" I grab my phone and answer it. "Hey Free! What's up?" I say. "Hey Valt, I was just going to tell you that I'm almost there and that I got you a present." Free says sounding more happy than usual. "Oh really? What is it?" I ask as I put on my dark blue socks. "Obviously I'm not just gonna tell you, Valt it's a surprise!" Free says chuckling a bit.

"Oh come on! Pleasee!" I beg him while looking for my head band. "Nope." "Come on Free! Can't I at least guess?" I ask as I put on my shoes. "No Valt just be patient I told you I'm almost there." " the way I have to go get my friend Aiger! He's also going to be there so just wait at my door step if Nika doesn't answer the door, bye Free!" "Wait wha-?" Before he can say anything I hung up.

'Now time to go get Aiger!' I think as I zip up my jacket and run out the door. When I get to his dorm room I knock on the door. "Coming!" I hear Aiger yell. Aiger opened the door wearing a dark blue t shirt with a red vest over it, dark blue shorts, red and white high top shoes like mine, and was carrying a red backpack.

I couldn't stop staring at him for some reason, like I was entranced... "umm..Valt?" Aiger says waving his hand in my face. I shake my head and look at him embarrassed. "H-huh?" I say. "Valt are you going to take me to your house or what?" Aiger asks me somewhat irritated. "O-oh yeah,S-sure! Follow me!"

We both walk out and of the building and walk by a grocery store and I immediately stop. I could've sworn That I forgot to get pineapple for mom's cake that me, Toko, and Nika we're gonna bake for her.

"Hey Aiger, I forgot to get something for my mom's cake can you wait here a sec? I won't be long." "Sure Valt, just don't get lost! I know you'll find a way to prove me wrong anyway..." Aiger mumbles the last part. "Hmph! Whatever!" I say as I walk into the store.

I don't know where the pineapples are since Toko and Nika are the ones who go shopping. Soooo I take a left then a right, another left, aaaand I'm lost....
Dang it...

As I continue walking I turn left into an isle, bump into someone, and fell down. "Owww..." I groan rubbing my head. I open my eyes and I was lost for words. It was Cuza.

"Cuza?" I ask crawling towards him. He opens his eyes and then his eyes widen. "Valt?" "Cuza!!" I yell as I tackle him and we both started laughing. "Hey Cuza where's Carl?" "He's back at home being watched by Silas." Cuza said as we sit up still hugging each other.

We both back away and just look at each other..getting lost in each other's eyes. "S-So..h-how's it been since I left Bc Sol?" I ask Cuza, we both have blushes on our faces."It's been pretty great...even though I missed you..." Cuza muttered the last part, but it was still loud enough for me to hear.

"Cuza...I missed you too.." I said softly. Cuza leaned in and I did too for some reason. Our lips were centimeters apart and Cuza decides to close that space. "Mmm.." I sigh. Cuza pulls away and we just stare at each other. "U-Ummm.." I say a bit confused. "S-sorry I kissed you Valt!" "N-No it's fine! I don't mind...I should be apologizing.."

All of a sudden my phone rings...huh? It's Aiger? How did he....Oh yeah I forgot I gave him my number last week....OH CRAP I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET THE PINEAPPLE!!

Incoming call from: Rosyhead 🌹☄️

I quickly push Cuza away and answer the phone. "Yes Aiger?" I said trying to sound as sweet and innocent as possible. "WHAT THE HELL IS TAKING YOU SO LONG?!?!" I hear Aiger scream on the causing me to move the phone away from my ear.

"First the profanity young man!" "Second, the line is long because I got a bit lost ok?!" I say making up an excuse. "WELL HURRY UP BECAUSE IVE BEEN OUT HERE FOR 40 MINUTES!" After that Aiger hung up.

"I-I'm s-sorry Cuza! I-I gotta go! I'll catch you later!" I quickly give him a peck on the cheek and run away. "S-see ya later  Valt!" Cuza yells. I quickly buy the pineapples and run out the store panting. "Took you long enough! Now come on, I still have to to carry!" Aiger said while staring down at me because I was on the floor regaining my breath.

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