A breath of fresh air

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Anyway let's get on with this since the anticipation probably got most of you biting your fingernails 😂 but don't do that 👁➖👁

Toko's POV
I royally messed up beyond belief. I made a damn move knowing my brother had some feelings towards him...WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? I...it's like my mind went blank and my body completely moved on its own.

I sighed heavily as I slumped against the couch, elbows on my knees as my face rests in my hands. I feel like crying but I know I'm not the one who's been wronged in this situation. I should've just done what the others done and just sat back and watched to see how things unfolded first so I could eventually move on but....fuck this I need a walk I can't think.

My mom was rubbing my back soothing me trying to comfort me although I'm not the one who's been offended. I take a deep breath as I stand up abruptly, shrugging off my moms hand. "Toko?" She said in a Concerned tone.
I turn my head as I fake a small smile, "I'm gonna go for a walk I'll be back soon, okay?"

The moment I'm outside I start running. I just can't believe I messed up that bad! This could ruin my relationship with my only older brother who I really look up to, all because I couldn't step away and let him have something!?

I kept running and running until I eventually end up at the lake that Valt used to go to with Shu and Xander when they were kids. Panting heavily I gazed out at the dark blue waters as the sun had already set and the sky was now a fluorescent purple mixed with a deep dark blue and the only light that was there was the glistening white moon that reflected on the dark waters.

I sigh heavily as I plop down onto the ground, knees hugged against my chest as I continue gazing at the water hoping it can recollect my thoughts for me and maybe help me fix this situation.

Before I know I feel hot tears starting running
down my face and I tried but I just couldn't wipe them away before new tears started forming.

"Didn't know you liked to come here often."

I jumped at the sudden voice and quickly turned around to see Fubuki looking down at me, hand on his hip with a neutral expression on his face. Ah. Fubuki. ARE YOU ACTUALLY SERIOUS RIGHT NOW. You know what I'm not in the mood. But I just really don't wanna hear his shitty voice right now.

I turned back around to look upon the waters once more just trying to avoid his eyes hoping he didn't notice my almost broken down state.

"I don't, but I just really needed to get away from..something...why the hell are you even here anyway?" I asked sniffling.

He sits down next to me, hands behind him holding him up and also stares at the waters not speaking for a bit as if he was trying to find the right words.

"It's just really calming and relaxing to watch the water because it's only this beautiful at night. It helps..distracts my worries sometimes." Fubuki spoke softly.

Of course Fubuki has troubles every now and then despite being a jerk, but...why does he seem so..levelheaded and composed? He's usually overly flirty with everyone but seeing him look so calm and sound so..sincere just feels kinda out of place.

We both don't say anything for a bit before I feel some eyes stare at me from the side.

"We're you crying? Don't lie I can see some water welled up in your eyes." He asks me in a slight concerned voice.

I blushed softly from embarrassment as I looked at him. I was really hoping he wouldn't notice that because that would mean that I would have to explain things and I really don't want him to make fun of me! Although..for some reason I feel he would never in this moment.

I sighed heavily as I turn my head back to the water, nodding.
"I...unconsciously made a move on on my brother's crush and possibly messed up my relationship with him."

I could hear when Fubuki sucked on his teeth. "Oooooh yeah you fucked up." He said bluntly causing a certain pang of pain and guilt to hit my heart.

"Yea I know I'm the worst right now.." I said with shakiness in my voice. Shit I'm gonna start crying again.

"I watched someone I knew get pushed down some stairs and didn't do anything about it." Fubuki said abruptly.

I stopped shaking as my eyes widened and I looked at Fubuki through blurry eyes. It was silent for a bit before I asked, "W-why didn't you go and help them?"

"I was stuck to the floor with fear. Seeing their face painted with horror as they made eye contact with me, their body flying down the stairs but their eyes begging for help. I was in a state of horrific shock." Fubuki explained in a softening voice like he was trying not to hurt my ears even it was just us two out here.

I just stared at him while he talked. The person only had a sprained wrist and bruised ankle however he said he felt so bad that he visited them the day the got their cast for their wrist and made sure they got home safe everyday.

When he finished talking he looked back at me, his eyes glistening like a crimson water.

"No one is perfect you know and people make mistakes everyday. However it's up to you to decide how you wanna fix it."

Huh. I hug my knees closer to my chest as I feel the familiar warmth of tears running down my face however I wasn't sad or guilty this time. I was surprisingly moved by Fubuki's statement.

I feel a set of warm hands lift up my face as the thumbs wiped the welled up tears that were sprinkling down my face. I looked up only to feel my cheeks slightly warm at the gentle smile and caring red eyes that were brightened by the moon light that reflected the lake.

"So how are you going to repair both of you and your brothers broken hearts?"

You know...when he's like this...it feel like I can let go of this breath I've been holding.

And it feels refreshing.

Xander's POV
Well Valt's passed out already in my lap from crying so much and venting all his frustration. He didn't really mean to call Toko a traitor he just was worried he was gonna lose something he felt like he was so close to and wanted so badly.

My poor blueberry was yelling and crying into my arms and going into a state only me and Shu have ever seen. I've loved him more than I ever thought I would since we've met and that's why I want him to be able to find a second happiness that isn't beyblading.

I don't wanna get in the way of something good for him that's clearly right in front of him. Not saying I'm bad but I just wanna step aside and watch as he finds his happiness on his own. He's my best friend and I'll be here when he needs guidance. But....I never want to see him in this state ever again....it hurts more than any loss I could ever take.

I wanted people to see a different side to Fubuki besides perverted and wanted him to feel a special moment with Toko despite Toko thinking he was a jerk at first.
Also yea Xander loves Valt like an affectionate homie would. Did he have feeling for Valt in the past? Yes. Did he move on quickly? Also yes bc he found it was much more interesting seeing how things played out in Valts life rather than being a huge part of it (like a boyfriend)
Not much to say but I'll see ya later ✌🏾

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