Couple confilct

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Look just to clarify, this is just
one filler chapter, this chapter isn't related to the actual story, it's just for fun so enjoy!
No ones POV
"Aiger I said I'm sorry!" "...." "Come on talk to me!" Aiger and Valt we're having an argument because Valt hid Achilles from Aiger making him search the whole house looking for it. Valt's house that is...

Aiger's POV
I can't believe him!! He knows how much I love Achilles! Why would he do that?! I'm not talking to him ever again! "Aiger please! It was just a dare Xander gave me!" .....What?....IT WAS A DARE?!?!!! "So just because it was a dare you thought you had to do it, Completely disregarding how I would feel about it?!?!"

"Well.." Valt shifted his eyes, shamed and embarrassed. "Don't talk to me!" I puffed crossing my arms, turning away from him. All of a sudden I hear sobbing and I peak over my shoulder to see Valt crying. I still stand my ground turning back around.

I was starting to walk away until I feel something tug on my jacket. I already know it's Valt but I'm not turning around. "A-Aiger..I-I'm r-really really sorry! P-Please, just talk to me! This guilt is horrible and..I love you!" H-He wh-what? I peak over my shoulder and asked him softly, "Really?" "Y-yes....I've always loved you...That's why it hurts so much when you're ignoring me!"

I blush at his kind and sincere words. "So please..will you forgive me?" I sigh and give in. I turn around and get a great look at his face. His eyes are puffy, his face is flushed red, probably because he was embarrassed to tell me how he really felt.

I blush and look at the floor with tsundere expression, holding out my arms. "Come here you idiot.."  Valt literally tackles me to the ground, in between my legs sobbing into my shoulders. I blush madly because...He's literally IN BETWEEN MY LEGS. "V-Valt! D-Don't move too much!" I say looking away embarrassed. "Do you forgive me Aiger?" Valt looks up at me, now directly in my face. "Of course I forgive you idiot..also.." I gave him a kiss on the lips and said, " I love you too, you moron."

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