A Date under the leaves ❤️💙

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Valt x Aiger were what most people wanted and since it's technically Autumn already I decided why not do a fall theme for these two cuties? uwu So without further delay, enjoy!

Aiger's POV
It's been a week since Valt and I confessed that we both like each other and yet we haven't even had our first kiss yet....Actually, WE HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN ON A DATE YET!

I was at lunch sitting with Toko, Fubuki and Suoh, telling them about the whole situation with me and Valt not having our first date yet. "So your telling me that you haven't done ANYTHING with Valt yet?" Toko asked taking a bite from his salad. I blushed softly and whimpered, "W-well... I mean..w-we've held hands...and I've kissed his cheek once.." Fubuki and Toko smirked looking at each other. "You're relationship with Valt is really cute and innocent! But I wonder...who's topping who?" Fubuki asked as Toko was chuckling, even Suoh was snickering a bit.

"H-hey!! W-we'll actually kiss on the lips eventually!...J-just n-not r-right now.." I said flustered. Suoh hummed. "So your telling me that you'll kiss eventually? How soon is eventually exactly?" My mind blanked for a second before responding, "A-Ah! I-I'll have you know that Valt actually asked me out on a date this morning! A-and we'll be spending the whole weekend together!" Which was just bullshit I'll admit it. Like I said before we haven't actually gone on a date yet...

Fubuki and Toko chuckled, and even Suoh was snickering! "Yeah I smell BULLSHIT, If Valt really asked you on a date he wouldn't stop talking about it at home until he actually gone on the date." Toko said with a confident 'I know your capping' smile.

Right when I was about to open my mouth, I hear my name being called from across the cafe and turn around to see...oh Valt.....WAIT VALT?!?! THE HELL?!!

Valt's POV (Quick Flashback to yesterday, Thursday afternoon)
"Yeah yeah, I know I'm taking too long but what do you expect me to do?! It's so embarrassing to ask someone out while they're around their friends! You guys know how I am with crowds of people!"

I said into his phone as I flopped on my bed taking off my shoes and throwing them at the closet. On my way home I had group called Free and Shu for advice on asking Aiger out. I had so many chances but chickened out before I got to say anything because out of no where his friends would pop up and then it gets embarrassing!

Free yawned over the phone. "Well why don't you just try to get him alone with you then ask him out then? That's What Lui did, right Tennis shu?" Free said tiredly but you could he was smiling over the phone. I could hear Shu take a deep breath before lecturing, "First of all we do not speak of that 5'2 with an attitude, Sonic the hedgehog super fan looking wannabe...ILL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT WAS THE MOST AKWARD SITUATION IVE BEEN IN, IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! Ahem. Second of all, make one more pun out of my name and I'm not only gonna break up with you, I'm also breaking your arms. SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR BLADING CAREER JACKASS. Ahem. Anyway He's right get him alone."

I....I just- what the- what in power of friendship just happened?! THE HELL?! I just laid there on my bed, mouth agape in utter shock as shivers were sent down my spine. It's been so long since I've seen Shu get so mad before. But meanwhile Free was just chuckling! How the- "Heh. Cute. You want cuddles don't ya cutie?~ Had a rough day? Is that why you're all pouty?~" Free said teasingly.

I could hear Shu huff on the other line. "Shut up, maybe I do want cuddles....maybe I'll come visit you this weekend to claim those cuddles..."
"Heh. Okay then. my arms will be waiting for you~" Bro. What the hell. Weren't these two successful lovebirds supposed to be helping me? Screw this I'm calling Xander.

"Yeahhhhhh y'all ain't helping. You're just rubbing your successful relationship down my throat- imma just talk to Xander while youuuu...Talk about your weekend plans." I said with a sigh. They both said okay and they're sorry they got distracted and weren't doing much to help. I told them it's okay and after that we hung up.

OKAY! Now it's time to call Xander hopefully he'll know what to do!
Let's see...ah! There's his contact!

Xander Panther 🧡🥰😎

Call me cringy all you want but I tried to be creative okayyy! I called him and heard the phone ring a few times before I heard the lively sound of Xander's laugh. "Hahahaha! Well well well! Look what adorable blue haired wonder boy decided to call his old pal Xander!" I laughed and blushed when he said adorable. He always flatters me and compliments me whenever he sees me! So this is a completely normal thing for Xander to do and sometimes I go along with it!

"Hehe! Thank you! Anyway Alexander I really need your help with something.."I said seriously. "Oh. Full first name? This must be important, what's going on little dude?" Xander said in a worried voice, dropping his lively tone into a more serious one. Xander knew things were serious if I called him by his full first name.

I explained the whole situation to him and his voice seemed to calm down a bit more. "Ah. I see. well, if you usually plan on embarrassing yourself you usually go out with a bang regardless of who's there, like they weren't there in the first place. That's what I've always seen you done and things usually end up working out right? So just stick with your gut!"

I smiled brightly and giggled a bit thanking Xander as I finally knew what I should do...

Still Valt's POV but now current time, Friday

"Aiger Akabane! Will you go out with me tomorrow?!"
I yelled as I stood at the table only looking Aiger dead in the eyes. I was so confident that this was it! This was the day I'd get to go on date with Aiger!

Aiger blushed heavily as he turned his head away from me shifting his feet around, huffing, "S-Sure whatever... we'll leave at 2:30..."
Timeskip to the date brought to you by Shu since he said this is getting too long 😁

Aiger's POV
Okay sooo for context me and Valt are walking together to Galaxy bucks together after Aiger picked me up quite literally from my dorm room and carried me outside. He didn't even tell me where we were going until five minutes ago before I threatened to steal his strawberry Pocky if he didn't tell me.

"V-Valt..." "Hm? What's up?" "Exactly how long are you gonna bridal style carry me for? Th-This is getting really embarrassing ya know! P-people are staring..." I said, my face almost as red as my hair. Valt stopped walking and gently set me down blushing brightly, as he stammered for a bit, apologizing.

We both kept walking in a bit of silence, not an awkward one, but a cautious one. We both reach the Galaxy bucks andddddd why're the fire department here? "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! WHICH CASHIER GOT PISSED OFF AND DECIDED TO COOK SOMEONE'S PAYCHECK?!" I exclaimed in disbelief. I hear giggling beside me and look to see Valt laughing. He looks so cute when he's laughing...

When Valt stopped laughing he smilied at me and took my hand "It's okay we can just sit on the bench under the tree and just talk if you want." he said as he led me away from all the havoc. I nodded and when we got to the bench we started telling each other funny stories about each other's childhood. We both ended up laughing and once we stopped laughing we just stared into each other's eyes.

Valt scooted a little closer to me and placed his hand on top of mine as I flinched and blushed slightly. "Aiger....I have something to tell you..." Valt said in a soft voice looking at me as his face drew closer. I gulped as the blush increased. "Y-Yes? Wh-What is it?" I whispered. 

Valt didn't say another word as he closed the gap between our mouths and kissed me for what seemed like a heavenly eternity. At first I tended but then slowly relaxed and let my hands wrap themselves around his neck, as Valt rested his hands on my face.

Unfortunately Valt pulled away, both of us panting softly as we'd run out of air. Valt held both of my hands and looks me in my eyes As he asked smoothly, "Aiger Akabane, will you officially be my boyfriend?" My eyes widen as I blushed madly, and scoffed. "O-Of course I will you Baka...I-I love you ya know.." Valt smiles brightly, "Hehe! I love you too my strawberry!~"


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