Chapter Twenty Two

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"I am disappointed, Alastor. You have completely disregarded everything I taught you. You have let your feelings blind you. You let yourself fall for your target." Lucifer snarls, his blue eyes had an anger behind them. "Let them blind you with lies. You think it was just coincidental that they arrived at the Lights Science Divison when you did?" He asks.

"Our mission was the same as Beca's" Chloe responds.

"Of course it was." Lucifer chuckles, the wrinkles on his face growing more prominent as he does. "And you killed the one person who was going to tell Beca who you are."

"How do you even know about that?" Chloe asks, her hand hovering over her knife holstered against her thigh.

"Oh Miss Beale, you would be surprised of my knowledge. After Alastor got your name, I did some digging. You never did tell Alastor that your Father, The Arch-Angel himself was the ones who carried her parents murder, did you?" He asks and Beca's face tightens, her eyes narrowing on Chloe.

"What?" She asks with a strained voice.

"My Parents were never even Light members. They died years ago." Chloe argued.

"The lies of a Light member. How typical." Lucifer sighs, his eyes shifting over to Beca. "You see, Alastor? You have been manipulated this whole time. And you had allowed it." He growls. Chloe had enough of the bullshit as she pulled out her knife and lunged at Lucifer. But for an old man, he had impressive speed as he spun around and grabbed Chloe by the neck. "And by a stupid bitch by that." He adds before grabbing the blade and chucking it aside before he chucked Chloe against the wall of the house.

"Oh, I really hate you." Chloe comments as she strokes her neck, red markings on either side of it.

"Well I'd not suspect anything else from the Light." He sighs, his eyes turning back to Beca. "You have your chance of killing the daughter of your parents killers. What are you going to do?" He asks, a malicious smirk played on his lips. "You can fulfill your mission right here and now, Alastor. And I will forgive your betrayal. Kill her, and all is forgiven. And my promise to keep your... Apprentice under your sole control."

"Come on, Beca. You know he'd never actually allow that. He'd kill you for your betrayal." Chloe scoffs, pushing herself up off the floor.

"And why would I kill my most valuable asset, Miss Beale? Alastor has just... Gotten off track. But her target is right Infront of her." Lucifer says as he pulls out a handgun from his pocket and places it in Beca's hands. "And I can see in her eyes that she wants to kill you." He adds as Beca's hands tighten around the gun and she slowly brings it up to Chloe with a cold look to back it up.

"Beca, what the fuck are you doing!" Chloe exclaims, her back against the wall of the house as she felt an overwhelming feeling of fear wash over her.

"How can I be sure you are who you say you are?" Beca asks.

"Beca, why would I kill members of the light if I was one of them?" Chloe responds.

"You could of just been making sure you gain my trust. We both know the light are not above sacrificing their own members." Beca says. Chloe sighed as she knew Beca had a point.

"The lies of an angel." Lucifer smirks as he walks around to Chloe, pulling her shirt back to reveal the right shoulder. "Ah, the markings of a Guardian Angel." He remarks, which caused Chloe's eyes to switch to meet Lucifer's. How did he know about the Guardian Angels? The only person who knew about them were the Arch-Angel and the rest of the inner circle. "Sworn soldiers trained by the Arch-Angel themselves. And you thought you could trust her?" He scoffs, his eyes darting over to Beca. "Kill her, Alastor."

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