a name

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A few days pass by and James decides to visit the shop again, but later in the evening to avoid as many people as possible. As soon as he walks in, he sees the woman again. Zoe immediately recognizes him, "So I guess you didn't hate it, after all?" James sends a confused look. "You left so suddenly, I didn't realize you had gone. I thought you hated it."

"Oh, no. It was great I just, uh, had to dash really quick." 

"Well, I'm glad I didn't drive you away, I can be overbearing sometimes." A small silence fills the air. "So, what can I get for you this time?" 

"The cinnamon roll was fantastic. I wouldn't mind having that again."

"Unfortunately, we are out. They are a huge hit in the mornings."

"Oh." He looks away for a second and she notices. 

"But our chocolate chip cookies are always a great alternative."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"You want a drink with that? Tea or milk, anything like that?"

"Milk is fine."

"Sure thing. Your total is 3.97." He hands over some cash and glances around at the shop, noting how empty it was. 

"Is is usually this empty at night?"

"Yeah, most people don't want coffee this late. A few will come in and hang around in the evening for the treats and books." She hands him his change. "Your order will be right out." Zoe gives him a soft smile. 

"Thanks." James goes over to the bookcase again and attempts to read the book titles this time. He grabs one about food and takes it to the same table he sat at before. After glancing at the book for a few moments, Zoe approaches him with the cookie and milk. He looks up, "Thanks." 

"My pleasure." She looks at the book before walking off. James takes a bite of the cookie. Dang, she wasn't lying. He gives the book a few more flips before cautiously taking out his notebook. He begins to glance at the pages and adds a few more names. After writing, he puts it back in his pocket and begins to read the book again. 

On the other side of the shop, Zoe watches his movements, trying to figure him out. A journal, interesting. She begins cleaning the shop after studying him a few moments. 

James found himself intrigued by the recipe book and even wrote a few down. In the middle of him writing, Zoe walked up to his table without him noticing. "Hey--" James looked up fast, throwing his hand out and spilling the rest of his milk. 

"So sorry about that!" He gets up to get the glass and nearly knocks over the table. Zoe grabs some napkins to clean the spill. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"No, I just got caught up with these recipes."

"Do you cook?"

"Nah, just thought it would be nice to find some inspiration." He handed her the glass after the spill was cleaned. 

"Thanks." She glances down at his journal. "It seems your journal got wet." James shoots his eyes in its direction and grabs it quickly, wiping it off. 

"Are you a writer?" Zoe inquires. 

"Uh, not exactly." He clears his throat a little. Zoe takes the cue and changes the conversation. "I was just coming to tell you that I'm about to close up shop." 

"Oh, is it that late already?" He glances at his watch. 10:04. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you here." 

"Not a problem at all. I could tell you were really into the recipes." She gives a soft laugh and they lock eyes for a second. He breaks away.

"Right, well I'll get out of your way then." James places the book back on the shelf and starts to leave. 

"Before you go, do you want another cookie? It's the last one and it would be a shame to throw it away."

He turns slowly. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's no big deal. Unless you didn't like it, then it's fine."

"No, no, I loved it. I'll take it if you aren't going to have it."

"Nah, I don't need it." She hands him the cookie wrapped in a small brown bag. 


She smiles at him. "Again, my pleasure. What's your name?"

James freezes for a moment. "James."

"I'm Zoe. Have a good night, James."

"You, too." He turns quickly and leaves the shop, realizing the grip he created on the bag. 

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now