a visit

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While January was painful, February seemed to be a little bit better. Classes at the school were going fine and more importantly, James was still home. 

He made the decision of moving into her place since he was absent with Sam so much. And honestly, he liked it better. 

Some nights, he would go to the school and watch Zoe as she practiced. He was in awe of her body and how strong it was. 

"Come here, I need you," Zoe calls him as she is working on a choreography. James walks to her.

"Okay, what do you need?"

"I need you to hold your hand out, palm up."

"Okay," He holds his hand out face up. 

"Now, just let it go limp and let it follow my lead."

She grabs his hand and starts to dance, keeping his hand in hers. She spins and performs more technical moves while holding his hand. Eventually, she does multiple turns, going around him and he follows, still holding her hand. Her turns slow and she lets go of his hand, placing both of her palms on his chest. Her eyes stare deep into his for a few seconds, then she pushes him away and continues with her routine. While there is no music playing, her movements create a melody of their own. Her pointe shoes make a light tapping on the floor as she dances. James smiles to himself. 

When she's done, she curtsies, rests a second, then proceeds to take her shoes off.

"I'll make a dancer out of you yet." She states. James chuckles.

"Good luck, I have two left feet."

"You did really well, actually." She puts on her sweatpants and a hoodie. They lock up the school and start walking to her place. 

On their way, Zoe's phone rings. She stops dead in her tracks and stares at her phone. It was her mom. 


"I don't want to."

"But she does, so you probably should." James tries to convince Zoe to visit her mom. Just before she passed, Mama V pleaded with Zoe to visit her mom. Now that she was gone, Zoe felt obligated. 

"But, what if I break down? I can't do that in front of her."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No." She responds curtly, staring at the wall of her bedroom. She hangs her head and sighs. "No, that's okay. Thank you."

James walks over to her, sitting next to her on the bed. He grabs her hand and kisses it gently. He left the conversation for another day. 


Some days pass, and Zoe makes a visit to her mom. As she stands in front of her childhood house, she breathes deeply, calming herself down before knocking on the door. After a couple knocks, her mom opens it and stares at Zoe in disbelief.

"I hope this is a good time?" Zoe asks quietly. Her mom, Angela, opens the door with tears in her eyes. 

Zoe walks in, taking in the house. It was old, but just as she remembered. Pictures of her and Maya were everywhere. They sit in the kitchen, Angela pours some water into glasses. 

"Sorry it's taken me this long to visit.. I.." Zoe trails off. Her mom raises her hand. 

"I understand. I should apologize. I never should have shut down on you like I did." She fought back tears. "I'm so grateful for Victoria and how she took care of you. Lord knows I couldn't. I tried, I really did."

"I get it, Mom. You lost Dad then Maya. I would have done the same." They sit in silence for a bit. 

"So, I hear you took over the dance school. How's that been?"

"Good." Zoe lets out a breath. She noticed she had been holding it in. 

"Anything else exciting happening?"

In hesitation, Zoe responds. "Yes?"


"Well, I've been dating this guy for a while now." She blushes. 

"What's his name? What's he like?" Angela moves her chair closer.

"His name is James and he's super sweet. He.. really gets me."

Angela nods. "How long have you been together?"

"Since late July."

"Oh, yeah. That's serious."

"I really like-- I love him." Zoe couldn't believe she just admitted that to her Mom, someone who has been absent for the last few years of her life, but it was true. Zoe loved James immensely. The thought of him made her smile. 

"Yep. You love him."

They continue to catch up and after a couple hours, Zoe goes back home feeling more whole. She missed her mom and was glad to have visited. 


"How did it go?"

Instead of answering, Zoe hugs James tightly. 

"I assume well." He hugs her bag, savoring her warm chest against his. 

"I love you, James."

"I love you, Zoe." 

They end their night in bliss and hold each other that night. 

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now