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A couple of weeks go by and autumn falls upon the city. Sam comes up to visit James again. The two hang out at shops before heading back to Bucky's place. 

"So, are we gonna talk about her or what?"

"What do you mean?"

Sam gives James a sarcastic look. "As if you two aren't dating?"

"Yeah, I mean, so what? What's the big deal?"

"The big deal?? You've been together for some time so it must be pretty serious."

"Yeah. You can say that." James smiles to himself. "I don't know, we just understand each other deeply and I think that counts for something."

"I can see. I mean, she puts up with you, so she must understand something that I don't." He gives James a grin. "I just can't believe you got a sista."

"A sista? What does that even mean?"

"You know, a chocolate piece."

"A cho--" he understands. "Sam, really?" James runs his hands across his face with a slight grin.

"It's not a bad thing, I just didn't expect it. I mean, I saw you flirting with my sister, but I thought you were doing that just to get on my nerves. I didn't know you were about it."

"So, you're calling me a racist??"James laughs slightly.

"Noo man not at all. I just.." Sam sighs, chuckling a bit. "I made an assumption about your type, and I was wrong. That's all."

"I honestly didn't think about it. I saw she was black, obviously, but didn't think any differently about her because of it. Plus I did spend some time in Wakanda, so..." he grins. 

"Mmhmm," Sam crosses his arms. "Either way, she's a nice girl and I'm glad you two are together."



"She's not a girl, she's a woman. A good one at that."

"Oh?" Sam raises an eyebrow and James grins. 

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Sam. Nothing has happened--"

"Yet." Sam smiles sheepishly. 

"Let's talk about you, Sam. Why aren't you with someone?"

"Haven't found the right person."

"What does that even mean, the 'right' person?"

"I don't know. Maybe someone who just clicks with you I guess."

"And what does that mean?"

"Man, look. I'm not really looking for a relationship right now."

"Neither was I until I met Zoe."

Sam was quiet. "Touché. I guess I just haven't thought about it and no one has really caught my eye enough to make me want to be with them."

"Fair enough." 

Sam chuckles slightly.

"What?" James is curious. 

"James got himself a sista."

Okay so obviously I neglected to give any detailed features regarding Zoe, kinda wanted it to be up to the reader's imagination. However, I wanted to play on TFATWS when they portrayed Bucky flirting with Sam's sister. So, yes, Zoe is black. 

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now