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"I can't.." she whispers slightly. 

James is stunned. Zoe continues, "I want to, so so much, but.. I can't." She is on the verge of sobbing. James stands up and holds her.

"Why can't you?" He squeezes her lightly. 

"Because if you do.. I'll lose you." She continues crying.

"No, no. You won't lose me." He rubs her back. 

"I lose everyone close to me." Her body shakes from the crying and James holds her tighter. After a few moments, he lets go and cups her face in his hands.

"Zo, look at me." 

Zoe looks up, tears streaming down her face.

"You won't lose me, okay? I know it's hard for you to believe that. And I'm so sorry you've lost so many people you love, but it won't be the same with me."

"But how can you be so sure? No one knows."

"You're right, no one does, but I promise I'll do everything I can to be here by your side. And we'll grow old together, okay? I'll get all wrinkly." Zoe lets out a small laugh. 

"Ew, wrinkly James." She smiles and he wipes the tears from her cheeks. 

"I love you. So much." Bucky looks into her soft, brown eyes, getting lost. 

"I love you too." Zoe continues to look into his and finds hope there. "I want to marry you, James." He smiles at her response and gives her a soft kiss. They stay here, letting the sun rays warm their bodies. James holds onto Zoe as if she is going to slip away from his grasp. The passion of their kiss takes them away to a distant world. A light breeze brings them back and they break away slowly. 


Eventually, they make it back to her apartment. Not wanting the moment to end, Zoe and Bucky end up cuddling peacefully on the couch, taking in the serenity of the day. Her phone buzzes from a phone call, but she ignores it. Twice more it rings and Bucky shifts his position on the couch. 

"Zo, you should probably get it."

Zoe pouts. "No, whoever it is can wait," she holds onto him tighter.


She groans. "Fine." Zoe gets up and answers the phone. It was her mom and she called to wish Zoe happy birthday. After talking to her mom, Zoe sighs. 

"She wants to go out to dinner to celebrate." She rolls her eyes.

"What's wrong with that?"

"I just want to be with you," she pouts again, returning to his arms. Bucky gently grabs her hand, kissing it. 

"You will be with me. Forever." 

He smiles and Zoe grins. 

"Forever," she responds, kissing him. 

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now