mutual feelings

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A text wakes Zoe up from her nap. The time is 8:12 at night. I guess I needed that nap more than I thought, she admits to herself. The text reads:

Thanks for the pics. I had a great time

Zoe smiles to herself and decides to not respond. She had a fun day, too. As she got up, she sees Atlas playing with her socks. She laughs and gets up from bed. 


James got in a 2 hour nap before waking up. He woke up feeling somewhat lethargic, but he gets up anyway. He spends some time thinking about the day and pulls his journal out. He reviews his lists and adds 'Gray' to Zoe's name. He closes the book and starts to feel the pangs of hunger. He wants another day like this to hang out with Zoe, but he doesn't want to overwhelm her. He knows he likes her, but he can't dare think about her liking him in return. He forces himself to think about other things and decides to go out to find some food. 

Along his walk, he notes a few places he could try going to alone. He spots a new restaurant and tucks in to try it out. While eating, he pulls out his phone and sees the texts Zoe sent earlier of the pictures. He finally saw himself through the lens of someone else. He replies with a text, finishes his meal, and returns back to his apartment. 


Zoe eats a few bites of her take-out from Mama V's place. Afterwards, she starts to draw pictures from the photos she took that day. One of them was the white wolf they had seen and another was a picture of James with a butterfly on his gloved hand. She smiles at the thought of him and wonders when they could have another day like this. She texts him back. 

Me too. We should do this again soon

She is nervous sending it, but she keeps herself busy to try to not think about it.


A buzz chimes on James' phone. He reads the message and smiles like a kid in a candy store. At least she wants to hang out with him again, and he couldn't wait. 

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now