a dinner made

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A couple days go by and the day has come for their dinner date. James has decided they will make salmon, risotto, and honey glazed brussel sprouts. Earlier that day, he sent her his address and she showed up around 5. A knock was heard and he answered the door.

"Hey, come in." 

"Thanks," Zoe steps in. "Do you mind if I take my shoes off?"

"Sure, go ahead." He closes the door behind her. After taking her shoes off, she looks around and sees his decor.

"Nice place. I really like the art."

"Thanks, my friend helped me out."

"The same friend who suggested Marvin Gaye?"

"Yep. Sam."

"Yeahh, I like Sam. A worthy friend."

James smiles. 

"So, I figured salmon, risotto, and brussel sprouts. Sound good?"

"Ooo, that sounds fantastic."

"I found a recipe that was really simple, so I'm hoping it turns out well."

"I'm sure it will."

James pulls out the recipe and the ingredients from the fridge. After looking over the method, they get to work. 


The table is set and dinner is served. James pulls out a bottle of pinot grigio to compliment the fish and risotto. They toast to each other and tuck in. 

"Wow, this turned out super good." Zoe nods, taking a bite of brussel sprouts. "And I don't even like brussel sprouts!"

"Me either, but these are a game changer." James agrees. 

Silence ensues, but they don't mind. 

"Bucky, can I ask you a question? You don't have to answer."

"Sure, what's up?"

"How did you lose your arm?"

His heart drops for a moment. Now?

"Well, I fell off a cliff in a battle and lost my arm. It was pretty brutal. I was sure I wasn't going to have it again, but I was wrong."

"Wow. What battle were you in?"

"Uh, I don't quite remember. It was pretty traumatic." He purses his lips. 

"I'm sure. Sorry I brought it up." She looks down. 

"No worries." He felt bad. How could he lie to her? He knew for certain she would want nothing to do with him if she knew the real James Barnes. 

They finish dinner and Zoe gets ready to leave. 

"Thanks for having me over. Dinner was delicious."

"No problem." 

Zoe puts her shoes on and grabs her jacket. James does the same. 

"You know the drill."

She smiles.

"And they say chivalry is dead." They both leave his apartment on their way to hers. 

Upon reaching the door, Zoe thanks James again. 

"We'll have to do it again, for sure." She states and begins to unlock her door. 

"Yeah, I really enjoyed having you over."

Zoe turns and meets his eyes. They were a deep blue and ever so dreamy. She felt butterflies stir up in her stomach and broke eye contact immediately. Her cheeks were hot. 

"Do you work tomorrow?" He asks. 

"Yes," she replies softly, looking up again. He somehow got closer to her. 

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow."

"Good night, Zoe." He takes a step back. 

"Good night, Bucky." She opens the door and enters her apartment, shutting it gently with her back on the door. Her eyes are closed, and she imagines his steel blue eyes looking at her. 

Her heart leaps. 

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now