chapter one

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Today is the day I have been waiting for what has felt like my entire life. Since I was just 13 I have always dreamt of  joining the FBI. Now here I am 16 years later finally living out my dreams. Teenage me would be proud of myself, and that's all I need to know.

I get out of bed and walk out to the kitchen of my new apartment to make myself some coffee before my first day on the job. I had lived in Vegas ever since I was born, so moving to Virginia a month ago had taken some adjusting, but I really love it here.

I sip my coffee and all the memories of my childhood come rolling back now that I'm realizing I'm finally where I've always wanted to be. I cant help but think about my best friend growing up. Him and I had the same dream to some day become profilers for the FBI, but since he was pretty much a genius we lost touch when he started finishing his PHD's in his late teens. Before that we were practically inseparable. His father left when he was fairly young and his mother was a lovely lady but had schizophrenia. So he easily became a part of our family. My mom, dad, and two brothers loved him and treated him like one of us. Often he would come over after school then we would spend nights at his house because he was always too afraid to leave his mother alone. I remember that when nights were hard with his mom I would make us some tea and pour practically half the bottle of honey into both our cups.

Most days we would drink tea, but on the hard days I put in lots of honey, I would always tell him "Tea represents everyday average life, and the honey represents the sweetness we add to it. You are the sweet honey of my life Spencer." We would snuggle in his room and drink the tea till we both fell asleep. He was my best friend, and the first and only person I have ever truly loved. Of course he never knew that because in my eyes he was so perfect, and I could never risk loosing something like that over some silly feelings.

Finally I snap back out of my thoughts and look at the time: 9:10

Shit. My boss asked me to be at the BAU by 9:45 so he could show me around and talk to me a bit before the rest of the team arrived at 10:15.

I quickly throw my mug in the sink and run to my bedroom. I get changed into a nice button up olive green shirt, tucked into some black dress pants that I put a belt through. Then I run to the bathroom quickly straightening my hair and doing some light mascara, blush, and highlighter. Once finished I check the time: 9:30

Perfect. It only takes me 10 minutes to get to the bureau.

I arrive to work just on time. I walk in and take the elevator to the floor that I work on. The whole place is pretty big but it doesn't take much for me to find my way to my bosses office. I give a slight knock on the door before hearing a stern "come in."

"You must be Agent y/n y/l/n." He says getting up to shake my hand. His face stays straight. It's almost unsettling.

"Yes sir that would be me. It's nice to finally meet you S.S.A Aaron Hotchner." I give him a small smile showing him I am happy to be here.

"Hotch will be perfectly fine." He gives the slightest smile. I probably wouldn't have been able to detect it if I hadn't been searching for any sign of human emotion out of the man.

He shows me around the office and directs me towards my desk. By the time he's finished I notice it's already 10:10. This means people will be arriving soon. I thought nobody else was here until a woman comes up behind me.

"Hi!! You must be agent y/l/n. It is soooo good to finally be meeting you!" The colorful woman scares me for a moment since I hadn't seen her come in. She notices this and you can see panic rise in her.

"Oh I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to scare you. I was just so excited to meet you and-" I cut her off before she can ramble anymore.

I give her a bit of a chuckle "Hey don't worry about it. I just didn't know anyone else was here. Also you can just call me y/n!" I give her a big smile and extend my hand. To my surprise she pulls me into a big hug. She tells me her name is "Penelope Garcia" while in the hug, but that I can just call her "your new best friend." She was very friendly but not too much. I could tell we were going to get along.

Not even seconds later a few more people walk in. They spot you and come right up.

"You must be the mystery new girl, I'm Derek Morgan." The man extends his hand and speaks with a warm smile. You can already tell all these people are going to become your new family.

"Well consider this mystery solved! My names y/n y/l/n." I shook his hand and spoke with a laugh. God I feel like such a dork.

Two women then approach you introducing themselves as "JJ" and "Emily Prentiss." They are both really kind just like everyone else has been. I take a seat at my desk and look at the empty one right in front of mine. I wonder who sits there. Then that's when I heard the glass doors open.

I watch as a tall lanky man with messy curly hair walks through the door. I study him for just three more seconds till it hits me. Is that.. no.. it can't be! Then before I can even catch myself I look at him and say "Spencer.." sort of louder then intended. He looked right at me seeing my completely dumbfounded expression. It takes him about five seconds till I see his eyes widen and jaw drop.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed. Then before you could even take a second to process I realized I was running towards him. He opens his arms and holds me so tight you would think he was trying to hurt me. He pulls back still holding onto my arms and just looks at me with such a happily surprised look.

"I can't believe it's actually you." I say to him with the cheesiest grin. I can feel the eyes of the rest of the team burning into us. Then I heard Morgan clear his throat.

"Care to explain to us how you, pretty boy, know such a pretty little lady?" Morgan almost laughs.

"y/n and I grew up together. We were practically joined at the hip. We did everything together and spent every second together since we were 10. When we were 13 we both planned that we wanted to join the FBI some day, but when I started to complete my PHD's I ended up far away and very busy and we lost contact."
He looks down at you before continuing.

"Though it looks like even with lack of each other, we still succeeded in the lives we planned out together." He says this while smiling at me. I feel my heart. No, no, no, not right now y/n! You haven't seen him in years, how could these feelings be coming in so fast? Seeing his face just made everything from your pasts together hit you like a truck.

After your little moment with Spencer you both get to work. A little later a man who introduced himself as "David Rossi" came out of Hotch's office. Like everyone else, he shook my hand and was very welcoming.

After a long day of paper work Spencer comes up to you. He has this huge giddy grin on his face that made you smile without even realizing it.

"So y/n, it's obviously been a really long time and we have so much to catch up on. Would you wanna come by my house after work. We can order Chinese take out.. assuming it's still your favorite?"

"Honestly Spence that would be amazing."
God he's so gorgeous.

"Great. Come by my apartment at 7. That way we both have enough time to relax, get ready, and I can go pick up the food." It warms my heart hearing how excited he is.

"That sounds perfect. 7 it is." and with that you are off to your apartment to get ready to catch up with the boy you loved and never stopped loving even though a whole 19 years has passed. I hope this goes well.

Hey everyone!! I hope you all enjoy this first chapter!! This is my first story so please bare with me lol.

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