chapter twenty-six

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You open your eyes waking up to the smell of waffles. You look to your side seeing that the clock reads 9:15. You slowly get out of bed and make your way out to the kitchen.

"Good morning sunshine!" Spencer smiles as he begins to plate the homemade waffles he's been making.

"Good morning lover boy." You mutter with a smile, walking over and hugging Spencer from behind.

He chuckles at the name and picks up the two plates.

"This again?" Spencer laughs, unable to move since you won't release your grip. You let out a soft hum in response.

"Is this just a morning routine now?" Spencer says with a smile in his voice.

"I love you." You barely say, as it's muffled because your face is hurried into Spencer's back.

"I know you do princess but you gotta let go so we can eat. You don't wanna be late for today, do you?" Spencer whispers.

With that you let go and follow Spencer to the couch. It's Wednesday and the girls are coming to pick you up to get a wedding dress today, as the boys are going to pick Spencer up to get him a suit.

Rossi was more then happy to agree to host your wedding on Saturday. Everyone's already in town. Monica, Diana, and Annie are coming with the girls of the BAU to help with dress shopping, and Micki, Nathan, and Ben are coming with the BAU boys to help Spencer with suit shopping.

"I want to sleep today." You whisper back, releasing Spencer to let him bring the food to the table. The baby hormones have been taking a toll on you. You've been really emotional and haven't wanted to leave Spencer's side.

"I know you do baby but you today you get to pick out a pretty dress, won't that be fun?" Spencer says, as you both take seats across from each other at the table.

You just give Spencer a small smile in return and begin eating.

"Look, I know you want to be with me but the girls are really looking forward to seeing you today, especially my mom. So at least try to have a good time. Remember, this is all so we can get married Saturday." Spencer says with a big grin.

"Okay Spence." You say lightly with a small smile. You feel bad because this day should be special to you, but because of the hormones you just haven't been feeling too good mentally. You've been snappy with Spencer over little things and he's been trying his best to deal with it. You feel really bad but it's hard to control.

The two of you quietly finish up breakfast and then head to get ready. You put on some sweatpants and one of Spencer's shirt. You figure it would be easy to get off since you'll be trying on dresses, and you know you'll need the smell of Spencer to get you through the day.

You walk out to sit by an already dressed Spencer on the couch, considering it's almost time for everyone to pick you two up. The BAU girls are picking you up on the way there, and then stopping at the hotel to pick up Annie, Monica, and Diana.

You walk over and stand in front of Spencer who's reading a book on the couch. After a few seconds he looks up from his book to see you staring at him. He chuckles and puts his book on the table beside him, proceeding to hold out his arms as an invitation.

You then curl up in Spencer's lap and he holds you tight, playing with your hair.

"Nice shirt." Spencer laughs.

"Thanks, it's my fiancé's." You say looking at Spencer with a smile.

"Wow, fiancé? What's he like." Spencer jokes smiling into your eyes.

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