chapter fourteen

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You open your eyes to see you're in a large building, probably a warehouse. Its dark and abandoned. You're tied to a chair in the middle of the empty warehouse.

"Look who finally decided to wake up." William scoffs.

You just look at him. You feel to weak to speak much.

"Do you know why I have you here?" He kneels in front of you. You shake your head no.

"You stole my son from me. If it weren't for you and your awful family, I would still have my boy, but you all stole him away from me." He then gets closer to your face. You can smell the alcohol on him.

"And worst of all, he feel for you. A little fucking slut." He slaps you hard across the face. You cry out.

"H-how long have I been here..?" You say through cries.

"Ten hours." He grins. That means it's 5.

"I need to go do something, but I will be back very fucking soon." He whispers in your ear with his hand on your thigh. The touch of this man makes you feel disgusting.

He then walks out the door and you stay seated -not that you have much of a choice- and just continue to cry and scream for help from Spencer. Surely they noticed your gone? Surely he got the team?

The teams been here for a while. We've been profiling my dad and trying to figure out where he's keeping y/n. We've been working at her house. Nathan, Monica, Annie, and Ben have been helping us along with Mickey.

"Okay so his motivation was that she took Spencer from him. We just need to figure out where he's keeping her." Morgan ponders.

"What if we called William and tried to track him?" Penelope asked. She came with them.

"I don't know if we would be able to keep him on the line long enough." Prentiss says.

"Wait.." I think out loud.

"What is it Reid?" Hotch asks after a second.

"What if I call him and tell him I want to be back in his life. Maybe he would tell us where he is." I say to them.

"I think that's a good idea. Let's take 10 minutes to prepare then we will do it." Hotch says, then everyone splits off.

I walk outside to get some fresh air and Mickey follows me. We sit on the front steps of the porch silently.

"Remember the trips we would take to our beach house in california when Rachel was out of town?" Mickey asks.

I nod my head.

When his wife went out of town on business trips he would take y/n, Monica, Nathan, Ben, and I to the beach house in California and we would stay there for a few days.

"One time when we went up there, when you and y/n were both 15, the two of you were dancing around together outside by the shore. It was around 9 pm and Nathan and I were sitting on the porch watching the two of you."

Mickey pauses then continues.

"Nathan looked at me and asked if I ever thought about legally adopting you. Then I told him I think about it every single day."

At this point I felt myself tearing up.

"He asked me why we haven't adopted you then, and I said I didn't want to rid my daughter of the perfect husband." Mickey says looking over at me.

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