chapter ten

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"Good morning sunshine." You wake up to the sound of Spencer's voice as he snuggles in closer to you.

"Ugh my head is poundinggg." You groan.

"I know baby, I'm sorry." He says kissing your cheek.

You notice your pants on the floor and don't remember taking them off.

"Spencer, what happened to my pants." You say almost hard to here, you're still very tired.

"At some point you woke up in the middle of the night complaining about how you were too hot. I'll spare you the details of what happened next though." He chuckles.

"Oh god, tell me Spence." You snuggle closer to him, and he begins to stroke your hair.

"Well then I told you to take your pants off, and then you continued to argue with me that they were already off, and eventually I made you realize they weren't and you felt so bad for arguing with me you cried and could barely move. So I had to take them off for you." He lets out a small laugh continuing to stroke your hair.

"Ugh I'm so sorry you had to see me drunk honey." You sit up and burry your face into your knees in shame.

"It's okay sweetheart. You honestly were adorable." He sat up resting his hand on your back.

"Truthfully, I've never been drunk around a guy so I had no idea that I would have acted like that." You lean into his touch.

"Stop worrying your pretty little head about it. You're cute, even when you're shit faced." He chuckles.

You check the time, it's 8.

"Oh shit Spence, we need to get ready so we don't miss our flight." You get up and walk to the bathroom.

You just out back on Spencer's clothes since you'd only be on an airplane and then didn't really care watch your family saw you in.

You walk back out to see Spencer in the same thing he was in the day before too.

"Don't wanna make a good first impression on my family as the new boyfriend, huh?" You chuckle walking over to him.

"They already love me, so why try." He chuckles kissing your lips.

Spencer was very close with your brothers and dad growing up. When he had things going on he would always cry to your dad about it. While your brothers always looked out for him and treated him just like a little brother.

Your parents and brothers always told you that you two were soulmates. They all knew how you felt about him. After you two lost contact they never gave up on Spencer though. They are silent about it but you know it's in the back of all there heads. So you're really looking forward to their reactions today.

With that you two head down to the car and drive off to the airport.

Upon arrival you check in, head to security (which you made it right through after flashing both your badges), and then quickly boarded your flight almost missing it.

After a few hours go by the two of you arrive in Vegas. You head to the carousel to grab your luggage and you both head to get in a taxi. You quickly arrive at your childhood home.

"This is it." You let out a breathe.

"This is it." Spencer says smiling down at you.

"Hey everyone!! Guess who's back!" You yell into the house walking in. Spencer stays behind you waiting for his "big entrance."

"Hey y/n!!" Your dad yells from the kitchen and waves you in.

"Where's the boyfriend?" Nathan chuckles at you, while Ben laughs along.

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