chapter two

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After the short drive from work to home you begin to get ready. You take off your makeup from work and begin to rummage through your closet. You settle on something comfortable knowing Spencer won't mind either way. So you throw on your black sweatpants with a cropped white tank top. You stare in the mirror and notice you look a bit tired but don't really pay much mind to it. You have always felt very comfortable with Spencer and no amount of years could change that.

With that thought you notice it's 6:30. According to your phone Spencer's apartment is only about 10 minutes away but you thought it would be nice to pick up some coffee for the two of you hoping Spencer still loved it as much as you always have.

You get in your car and drive towards a little coffee shop that's conveniently on the way to Spencer's. You stop and order him an iced coffee with cream and 6 sugars. You used to always tell him how unhealthy that was but he would just laugh at you and mess up your hair. You get your usual coffee and begin on your way to Spencer's place, feeling your hearts pace pick up with every second you get closer.

Before you know it your standing at his door with two coffees in hand. It's exactly 7. Like Spencer you're also always on time. You sort of struggle to knock since you're holding two coffees but you hear Spencer yell that the doors unlocked.

You walk into his apartment and he yells "give me one second I just finished my shower and I've gotta get dressed! feel free to look around."

With that you set the coffees on his counter and begin to look around his place. There are lots of books, but to be honest you didn't expect anything less. It's small but in a cozy way, not cramped. You see a few photos on a shelf and walk over to admire them. There's one of him and his mom. Wow this women really does not age. You notice how she looks the same just with shorter hair. It suits her. You look to the photo next to it and your eyes widen a bit. It's a photo of you and Spencer from when you were both 14. You had dragged him on a picnic and made him dress up and take photos with you. You remember how much he didn't want to be in photos but he looked so happy in this one. You feel yourself begin to tear up a bit holding the frame in your hands.

"Hey y/n sorry i took so long i.." he looses his train of thought when he sees you holding the photo. You slowly look over at him trying to hold back a tear you feel coming.

"Spencer. I can't believe you have this framed. After all these years.." you smile at him, clearly emotional. He blushes a bit and gives you a soft yet sweet smile back.

"of course I did y/n. You're the only friend I have ever really had besides the team. When we have hard cases I always come back and look at that photo to remind me why I do what I do." You put the photo back on the shelf as he walks over to you. He holds you tight, a feeling you thought you would never get to feel again. After some time he pulls back and you smile at each other. It's like connection was never lost.

"Hm I don't remember buying any coffees" he looks up and laughs at you.

"Oh yeah! I stopped by a little place to grab them for us. The one with the cream and 6 sugars is yours." You smile and walk over to grab your own coffee.

"Wow! you remembered." He looks at you surprised.

"How could I forget, I had to lecture you about it all of the time Spencie." He rolls his eyes at you and laughs, continuing to down his coffee like he hasn't seen liquid in decades.

He then grabs the Chinese food from the fridge and heats it up. You both get seated on his couch and sit criss cross to face each other.

"Sooo tell me, what college did you end up at?"

"Actually I told the FBI I didn't feel like going to college and they understood and just let me in." He looked at you and scrunched his face up, clearly very confused.

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